Chapter 6 (First Date)

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I finally reach the common room. So I ran to my dorm and just sat on my bed until I hear a knock. "Go away" I said. "Can I please come in?" said Cedric "Yeah sure" I responded the thing is I was just so disappointed in myself for what I did to Draco I don't know why I did that. "Y/N are you okay? Cedric said as he walked in my dorm. "Oh yeah I'm okay" I said smiling hoping he would believe me. "Oh okay! So Y/N I really like you and I was wondering if you would like to go on a date?" he said and I could see he was nervous "Of course" I said I kind of liked Cedric to even though I also liked Draco but I knew Cedric would be the better choice. "Really! Okay I will pick you up later" he said extremely happy. I smiled at him as he walked out my dorm.
Draco- That was amazing beautiful we should do it again.
Y/N- It's never happening again I made a mistake.
Draco- Oh really we will see about that love. (Read)
I swear he just finds a way to get under my skin anyways i'm going to go shopping with Destiny to find out what I should wear on my date.
Y/N- Destiny let's go shopping!
Destiny- I would love to but I can't i'm with my boyfriend.
Y/N- BOYFRIEND? since when?
Destiny- Since a couple of days ago I will tell you later. love ya!
great I guess I have to find someone else to go shopping with. I start heading down to the common room and I see Blaise but he's with Draco. Whatever i'm still going to ask him. "Hey Blaise I have a date today and I was wondering if you can go shopping with me and help me find something to wear" I said hoping he would say yes. "Oh yeah sure" I was so happy but there was someone who didn't seem so happy and it was Draco I could see he looked upset but I didn't care. "Come on Blaise hurry" I ran out the common room and we were on our way to Hogsmeade when we got there, there were so many pretty clothes. I needed Blaise's help because he's a guy and I figured he would know what I could wear. I was super excited. "Blaise does this look good" I said coming out of the dressing room "Yes Y/N you look beautiful"he said and I started to blush. I actually did like it the outfit was amazing (imagine your outfit). So I paid for it and went to go eat with Blaise because I was a little hungry. My phone dinged and it was a text from Destiny
Destiny: Holy shit girl I have a fight video ima send it to you.
Y/N: huh of who?
Destiny: *sends video*
Y/N: is that Cedric and Draco?!
Destiny: Yeah apparently Cedric is taking someone on a date and Draco got mad about it isn't that crazy I wonder who it is.
Y/N: Yeah I wonder
My head was filled with so many thoughts but I knew I had to get back to Hogwarts quick. "Blaise let's go" I said in a hurry "wait but i haven't finished" he said as I was dragging him out the door "I don't care" I said walking as fast as I could to get back.
A/N: Hello Everyone I know it has been like a month I am so sorry and I am happy about all the reads that I have gotten. I am so sorry to leave you guys on a cliffhanger but if you could please leave some reply's so I can get ideas if I get ideas I can write the next chapter today. I love all of you have a amazing day.

Words: 663

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