Chapter 7 (The Fight)

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"Blaise hurry up" I said trying to run back to Hogwarts. "Why are you running what is so important" he said trying to catch up with me. "There was a fight and I need to get back to make sure that someone is okay". We had finally made it I run to the hospital wing and see Cedric laying down unconscious. I whisper to him "I'm sorry this happened to you Cedric" He wasn't waking up so I went to the common room to see Draco with pansy wrapping is hand up. I look at both of them with disgust. I go up to my room and change into my date outfit. But I hear a knock on the door. "Come in" I said from the bathroom I come out and see Draco sitting on my bed "Get the fuck out". "No" Draco said standing up to come closer to me. "Get the fuck out I don't want to see you I am about to leave for a date" he looked mad but I tried to walk past him but he stopped me. "Your not going on that date and don't talk to me like that" he said blocking me from leaving. "Yes the fuck I am I don't even wanna be around you, your so stupid why the hell would you fight someone who did nothing to you. Your pathetic now get the hell out of my face" once i said that he looked at me and walked out the door. I felt bad but what he did to Cedric was unacceptable. I walked out of my dorm to go to the common room just to see Draco sitting by the fire drinking. I looked at him and walked out the common room. I went back to the hospital wing and Cedric is awake. I ran up to him and hugged him "Hi Y/N you look beautiful" he said and I just smiled "Are you okay? I asked him "Yes I'm okay do you still want to go on that date?" I nodded my head and I helped him get out of bed. We went to Hogsmade and ate then we went to the astronomy tower and looked at the stars. He mostly just talked but yeah. We then said goodbye to each other and he kissed me. It felt nice then we went our separate ways I was walking back to the common room. Draco was sitting there still drinking. He looked at me then looked back at the fire. I walked over to him and grabbed his arm and told him to "come" he looked at me and took a sip of his drink and got up. We started walking to my dorm once we got there I told him to sit on the bed and I took his drink from him and set it down. I changed into pajamas then I went to go sit with him. "how was the date?" he said "let's not talk about that right now" I took his shirt off and me and him started laying down and he just layed on my chest and fell asleep I looked at the celling for a bit then I fell asleep.
Hello Loves! I am so sorry I got my phone taken for slapping some guy at my school. I know this chapter is short and kind of boring and not that detailed and I am so sorry. Also I know some people don't comment but I really need you guys to comment for this question. Would you want to fall in love with Draco fast and let him have you already or do you want to mess with him and play hard to get for a little while? Please help me pick this is all up to you guys.

Words: 640

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