Chapter 4 (The party)

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I got to my dorm to get ready for the party. I was getting dressed and I accidentally woke up Cedric. "What time is it and why are you getting dressed" he said and I grabbed my phone to look at the time "It's 7:00 and I'm getting dressed because there's going to be a big party tonight remember" I said sitting down to do my make-up (By the way just imagine your make-up and your dress) "Ohh thats today how long did we nap for" he said getting up from my bed "I don't know maybe like 2 hours" I said as I heard a ding from my phone.
Draco- I don't want you wearing anything to revealing.
Y/N- Wtf why not, your not my dad!
Draco- Listen I don't want people thinking your a slut got that.
Y/N- No fuck off I'ma wear something so revealing.
Draco- I said no slut!(Read)
I laughed as I put my phone aside, I look to the side to see my bathroom door open with Cedric just standing there in just a towel. "My eyes are up here darling" he said as I start blushing, I was almost ready but I was also waiting for Cedric and he was taking forever, but then he finally finished. Me and him started going downstairs and we could already hear the music, me and Cedric reach the end of the staircase and everyone's head turned but there was someone who caught my eye... Draco he looked upset I could see he clenched his jaw. Me and Cedric sat down and we started talking but then I felt like dancing so I got up and started grinding on him I feel a pair of eyes on me and I start looking around and of course Draco is looking at me I could see he looked mad but I didn't care I was having fun

Draco's POV:
I was full rage when I saw her walk down with Cedric especially in a very revealing dress I could see all the guys drooling over her, that pissed me off even more she was mine and all these guys thought they could even look at her. I just couldn't keep my eyes off her I was mad but she looked so hot. I saw her talking to Cedric then she got up to dance and she was grinding on him I was so fucking mad I wanted to punch Cedric across his stupid ass face, I should be the only person that Y/N grinds on, we made eye contact and she could see how mad I was but she continued to dance until someone came up to her.

I kept dancing until someone came up to me and asked if I wanted to play spin the bottle and I followed them to sit in a circle, me and Cedric sat next to each other. More people come to play as me and Cedric are waiting to spin the bottle we just watch everyone else. It finally my turn and I landed on Blaise, I heard of him but I never seen him or talked to him. I got up and started making out with him and Draco was next to us and I could hear him under his breath saying "slut" I give him an ugly look and walk back to my seat. Its Harry's  turn and he lands on me I decided to have a little fun and I got on his lap and started making out with him I was grinding on him at this point I went down to his neck and gave him a hickey everyone was shocked. A couple more people went then it was Cedric's turn and he landed on me I got on his lap and started kissing him I could feel him getting hard so I moved my hand down to his dick I then got off and he tried hiding the fact that he was hard. Now it was Draco's turn every other girl was crossing their fingers but it didn't land on any of them instead it landed on me. Draco gets up and he says "I'm done playing" he grabs my hand and starts pulling me into his dorm, he closed the door behind me and started walking towards me until I backed up into the door "your fucking mine you got that" he said grabbing my waist "no i'm not malfoy I'm not going to be one of your games" I said looking up at him "Oh darling listen what you did out there was not okay your mine" he said as he started kissing me and got to my neck he planted hickeys everywhere. "You better not cover these up I'll punish you if you do I need everyone knowing your mine" he said still kissing me. I ended up getting tired so me and him fell asleep
A/N: I just want to apologize to everyone for making you guys wait so long I will try and do better. I am starting school soon and I'm kind of stressed out but I will try and make more chapters also thank you for all the reads I didn't think this book would actually get reads but thank you also sorry for bad grammar or spelling I have been gone for like week. But once again Thank you everyone and I'm sorry!

Words: 917

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