Chapter 3 (Classes)

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I woke up to my phone ringing "Hello" I said answering my phone. "Bitch were you still sleeping? Whatever you need to get ready now it's are first day" Destiny said practically screaming through the phone. "Okay jeez I'm going to get ready" I said as I hung up the phone I started getting ready I had the perfect outfit (imagine your perfect outfit)  I got a text from Destiny that said Meet in the common room I did my makeup and I was completely ready so I went downstairs to see Destiny waiting for me but I look behind her and I see Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson the most fake people here me and Draco made eye contact but I ignored it and went with Destiny me and her walked out the door. "So what's your first class" she said "Charms" I said as I saw her face lighting up "Okay good we have are first class together" she said as I smiled at her then I saw Cedric and if I'm being honest I was really happy to see him I ran up to him and hugged him, "Why hello Y/N your happy to see me" of course I am but I won't tell him that "mhm" I said backing up from the hug

Cedric's POV:
I'm walking down the hall and I see Y/N and Destiny, Y/N looks so beautiful I know I just met her but I think I might like her. I see her running up to me, she gave me a hug that made me feel happy. "Why hello Y/N your happy to see me" I said but I was mostly happy to see her. "Mhm" she said backing up from the hug, "Let's go to the great hall to get breakfast girls" I said looking at both of them.

"Let's go to the great hall to get breakfast girls" he said looking at both of us his eyes were so beautiful but I said "okay" me and Destiny started walking with Cedric to the great hall as we walk in I see Draco giving me a death stare I don't even know how he got here before us, he wouldn't stop looking at me but I didn't care me and Cedric hugged each other then we went to are separate tables.  Me and Destiny went to go sit down she kept giving me this look "what" I said "So you and Cedric" she said giving me a weird face "okay I might like him but don't say anything" I said with a serious face "of course but I'm going to try an get you guys together" she said sounding excited I nodded and smiled I was eating my breakfast but I kept feeling someone's eyes just burning into me and I see Draco just looking at me he looked really mad but I didn't know why. But at the same time I didn't care me and destiny got up and went to are first class we just sat down next to each other and we weren't even paying attention we were talking and laughing half of the time but time went by really quickly and we were done with that class so I went to my best class which was potions I walk into class and sit down I don't really see anyone I know until I see Malfoy walk in I was praying he didn't see me and we wouldn't sit next to me, but he did "Hello slut" he said like he was mad "Shut up Malfoy" I said pissed off that he's already sitting with me "Don't talk to me like that" I said but I just rolled my eyes and zoned out into my own world. I could feel cold rings on my thigh I look down to see Malfoys hand squeezing my thigh "Get your hand off me pathetic asshole" I whispered so the teacher won't hear me "Who the fuck do you think your talking to" he said looking at me like he wanted to kill me "You asshole" I said giving him a sarcastic smile he grabbed a marker and wrote "Malfoy's" on my thigh "what the fuck" I said trying to rub it off but I would come off draco then moved my hand and put his on my thigh and went higher up every time I would try an move it "Be a good girl princess" he said smirking at me I gave him a ugly look and smacked his hand off me and walked out of class he looked mad but I didn't care, the teacher started calling out my name but I pretended I couldn't hear him I ran to the bathroom to try and rub my thigh and it finally came off but my thigh was red now I just hung out in my dorm for the rest of the day and I took a nap then it was lunch, so I went to the great hall and I decided to eat with Cedric because Destiny was talking to some boy in slytherin me and Cedric were talking for hours and I told him what happened in potions so he walked me to my common room and I see draco walk in and I just wanted Cedric to stay with me until the party started so I asked him and he said yes so I held his hand and lead him up to my dorm as I looked back I could see Draco looked mad but again I didn't care. Me and Cedric got to my dorm and he said "wow I like how you decorated the place" "thank you" I said smiling I started changing into more comfortable clothes and me and him started laying in my bed he put his big arms around me and I felt safe with him but something wasn't right. Me and him ended up taking a nap but I woke up a little later because I needed water so I went downstairs and in the common room I saw Draco drinking I never thought he would drink but I asked him if he was okay he looked at me and got up and hugged me I could see the pain in his eyes he didn't say anything I looked at him and I could see tears forming in his eyes so I kissed him "shit fuck" I said in shock but he kissed me back and he sat down on the coach and sat me on his lap I started kissing him and I took his drink out of his hand and I told him to lay down and I started laying with him until he fell asleep and I kissed his cheek and went back to my dorm to get ready for the party
A/N: Hey guys I am sorry this wasn't a great chapter but I was kind of lazy I will try an do better tomorrow the next chapter will be about the party. Remember I have another book about "imagines with draco" so feel free to check it out love you guys!

Words: 1203

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