Chapter 8 (The Rumor)

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Draco's POV:
I woke up really hungover but something was different. I wasn't it my room and I had someone in my arms. I look down and I see Y/N. God she is so beautiful is what I said in my head. I look at the time and it's 6:00 so I still have time to go back to my dorm, get ready and go to breakfast. But I can't leave Y/N. She looks so calm and she's not arguing with me for once.
I was slowly opening my eyes and I can sort of see Draco just looking at me. "Take a picture it will last longer" I said. He just rolled his eyes and said "Fuck off" I just looked at him one last time before I went to my dresser to pick out my clothes and get in the shower. "You better be gone by the time I get out" was all I said before I entered my bathroom. I started singing my favorite song (your favorite song). As I was singing I heard my door open and close and that's when I knew he left. I started finishing up and got out, did my daily routine put my clothes on and everything.
Destiny- Girl where are you it's 7:20 it's almost time for breakfast.
Y/N- I just got dressed I'm on my way.
Destiny- Okay hurry
I started walking down to the common room and I see Draco coming out of the guys dorms. He smirks at me and I just ignore him and keep walking. I start walking to the great hall for breakfast but someone grabs my wrist and pulls me back. I turn around and see Draco. "Draco what do you want" I said annoyed, "What you're just going to pretend like we didn't sleep together last night." he said smirking at me. "What the hell, keep your voice down you know that's not what happened I felt bad and I let you sleep in my dorm that's it." I said even more angrier because who the hell does he thing he is "Didn't seem like that Y/N because when I woke up you were all over me" he said with a little chuckle at the end of his statement. "You fucking lier, you know that's not true you were fucking watching me sleep you creep. Plus the only reason you were in my dorm is because I felt bad for you. Because you looked so pathetic on that couch last night drinking looking like a lost sad ass little puppy so fuck you, fuck off, and leave me the fuck alone and keep your mouth shut." I said pulling my wrist away from him and walking off to the great hall.
Draco's POV:
Y/N just yelled at me and walked off. What the fuck is her problem. I don't know who the fuck she think she is for giving me all that attitude and shit. I started walking to the bathroom just to start thinking straight because the stuff she said was a little hurtful. Did she really just feel bad for me? Does she really not want me around her at all? I started questioning myself, whatever is what I told myself. I started walking to the great hall and I see her sitting with her friend. Me and Y/N make eye contact but she just rolls her eyes and looks away. I don't know why she's being so dramatic it's not like we haven't already done stuff so why is she making it a big deal just because of one thing. But alright if she wants to be like that then I will be like that as well.
I walked into the great hall and I looked for destiny me and her made eye contact and I started walking towards her but I got stopped by Cedric. "Hey Y/N I had a great time with you last night and I was wondering if you wanna hang out sometime today" he said. He is so adorable and I do like him but I also Like Draco but Cedric is just everything anyone would want in a guy but Draco is what I would want in a guy. But as of right now I am going to stick to Cedric. "Hello earth to Y/N" he said waving his hand in front of my eyes trying to get my attention. "Omg yes im so sorry I zoned out but yes I would love to hang out with you later today, how about after our classes just come pick me up after my last class" I said smiling at him. He nodded his head and walked off, I went to go sit with Destiny and she just started giving me a weird smile. "So what was that about? When were you going to tell me about you and Cedric? Because from what I know you like him but I was supposed to set it up" she said winking. "Well it started a couple days ago he told me he liked me and I told him I liked him back so then he asked me on a date and that was the day I asked you to go to hogsmade with me but you were to busy with your boyfriend. So why don't you tell me about that huh." I said but right before she was about to talk Draco walks through the great hall doors and he looks at me but I just roll my eyes and look away. Destiny sees this and she says "Wait why did Draco look at you like that. Wait hold on you said date right? Draco and Cedric were fighting because of Cedric taking someone out on a date. DOES DRACO LIKE YOU???" she said all excited and confused. "What the no remember he stopped talking to me/ liking me when I got my first boyfriend if anything me and him are not even cool with each other and I think your thinking way to much into this. But tell me about your quote on quote new boyfriend that you have." I said just hoping the subject could be changed quickly. "Okay so I met him a couple days ago he is a ravenclaw but he's so sweet and so cute but that's really it im still getting to know him" she said with the biggest smile on her face. "Well im happy for you" I said as I started to eat my food because most of the time that I have been here I was just talking. But I got distracted because I look down the table and I see people staring at me, but there was someone who really caught my eye it was Draco. He was whispering to people and laughing while looking at me. He had to be telling them something. So as breakfast was about to finish I went up to him. "Hey asshole! What the fuck are you saying about me that has you laughing and other people staring at me" I said and at that moment a lot of people started to look at us "Woah Y/N don't get so aggressive save that for me and you later" he says as he winks at me and starts laughing with his friends. "What the fuck is that supposed to mean" I said confused. "Oh nothing Y/N but have a good day see you later tonight" he smirks and walks off with his stupid looking ass friends. God I hate him.
A/N: Hello my gorgeous people! I know this is surprising because I haven't been on here since like a year ago. But I was really feeling like making a chapter so I hope you guys enjoy this one. I will be making another one tomorrow night. I have promise I will make chapter daily but I can try. I finally am feeling a lot better and I hope you guys just enjoyed this chapter.

Words: 1353

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13 ⏰

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