Chapter 5 (Detention)

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I woke up and I look to my side and see Draco I was so shocked I had to be really drunk to sleep with him. I tried to ignore the fact that he was just right there so I went to my room and I got caught for sneaking out of the guys dorms. "Ms. L/N why were you just coming out the the guys dorms you know the rules" Snape said as I was trying to come up with an excuse "Uhm I was sleep walking" I said knowing he won't believe me, he looked at we with a straight face and said "Detention!" I roll my eyes and walk back to my dorm.

Draco's POV:
I woke up and Y/N was gone I was kind of upset that she left but that's okay I guess. I started getting ready for class but before I thought I should text     Y/N.
Draco: I had an amazing night with you love.(Read)
What the fuck! Read she really leaves me on read she is so fucking lucky I like her or else I would do so many things to her I can't wait to make her mine.

Y/N's POV:
As Im walking up to my dorm I get a text and I check to see who it's from and it's from Draco I read the message and decided not to respond. Once I got to my room I took a shower and started getting ready I was going to be late so I tried getting ready as fast as I could. I ran down the stairs and I didn't even get breakfast because I was already late I ran straight into charms class and I see Destiny sitting with some boy flirting with him of course so I just sit by myself. Class ended pretty quickly so I was walking to potions I sat down and I was just looking at my phone because I was bored. "Okay class phones away and pay attention" the teacher said he started writing all these different potions and I wasn't really paying attention until someone walks in late "Now Mr. Malfoy why are you late" he said and Draco responded"I was helping my other teacher" everyone knew he was lying because there were hickeys all over his neck and I don't know why but I was mad at that "Detention Malfoy!" the teacher said and everyone started laughing he gave them ugly looks until he looked at me and he saw the sadness and anger in my face. He came to sit next to me and put his hand on my thigh "Don't fucking touch me you fucking pig" I said giving him a ugly look "What the fuck did you just say to me slut" he said grabbing onto my thigh harder "You heard me" I said trying to get his hand off me. He looked mad and he started moving his hand higher and higher until he hit my p*ssy, he started rubbing around it "Draco stop go mess with your other hoes" I said trying not to show that I was turned on he sticks two fingers in me "Don't ever say that again love" he said as I was covering my mouth trying not to moan he started going in and out hitting my g-spot and a moan slipped out and I came "Y/N is something wrong" the teacher said looking at me which caused everyone else to stare "O-oh yes i'm fine" I said as Draco was looking at me satisfied of what he did. He puts his fingers in his mouth "You taste amazing my love we should do that again" he said walking away because we had to go to are other classes I was just in shock I couldn't believe I let him do that. The rest of the day was boring so I went to my dorm, changed and then I took a nap I then woke up ready for Detention but let me tell you I was wearing booty shorts and a very tiny tank top what was kind of see thru. I went to detention and I see Draco already there and he looked mad when he saw me and I didn't know why. "Okay you two I am going to leave and lock the door and you guys need to stay here and do something productive" the teacher says as he walked out the door. I sat down farther away from Draco but I could just feel him staring at me "Yes? Can I help you?" I said with an attitude "Don't give me attitude slut and your not allowed to wear that and matter of fact you can help me" he said looking me up and down "What the fuck I can give you attitude all I want asshole and I can wear what ever the fuck I want you don't control me and I was being sarcastic" I said giving him a ugly look "No the fuck you can't and you wear that shit again and Ima punish you" he said and I wanted to mess around with him so I said "I'm sorry Daddy" I think he liked when I said that because then I could see he got a hard. "Okay get on your knees" he said coming up to me "No the fuck" I said mad because like does he think i'm one of his toys. "I said get on your fucking knees" he said pushing me down on my knees he started taking out his huge d*ck and if i'm being honest I wanted it inside me but I would never tell him that "Suck slut" he said look down at me smirking "okay" was all I could say in that exact moment I started licking the tip and he just grabbed my head and put it in my mouth to the point I started gagging "No teasing love but that's a good girl" he said looking down at me he started moaning and he finally came "Swallow princess" I did as told and I walked away and sat in my seat because I heard the teacher coming back "Okay you guys can go now" he said opening the door for us I didn't even wanna talk to Draco so I went straight to my dorm.
A/N: Hello my beautiful people I want to say sorry for the long wait. I started school and I am always busy with homework and soccer I know I told you guys I would try and be better but I can't. I love all you guys and I appreciate you guys for not giving up on me. I'm sorry if this chapter is confusing and doesn't make sense I just tried to make it quick for you guys! I am so thankful you guys are so patient I will try and do better! Anyways I love you all I hope you guys have an amazing day or night and you guys are so amazing. "If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain." – Dolly Parton

Words: 1202

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