02. Quite a Common Fairy

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David, Emma, Hook and Mary Margaret ranged the woods searching for Henry as they walked single file. Mary Margaret led the way.

David panted and asked, "Hey, need a break?"

"No, I'm good," Mary Margaret replied.

"In this heat, you shouldn't overtax yourself."

"Oh, so you need a break."

"No, I'm good."

""David Nolan" let himself go."

"Does he look like he'd let himself go?"

"How much further?" Regina wondered, looking around.

Emma took a look on the map. "We should be getting close to Pan's lair." They were catching up with David and Mary Margaret. "Going in a straight line course..." She looked on the map and frowned. "Son of a bitch! How is it now behind us?"

"How can that be?" Mary Margaret asked.

"You got us lost," Regina retorted.

Hook held a lamp as he said, "No, she didn't. It's the camp. Pan's moving it."

"He's playing tricks with us," David realized.

"If Pan's camp keeps moving how are we ever gonna find Henry?" Emma questioned.


Henry slept under a tree. Someone cuckooed from behind.

"Wake up. Catch," Pan said as he threw an apple towards Henry.

Henry sat up and replied, "I don't like apples."

"Who doesn't like apples?"

"It's a family thing."

Pan smiled. "Well, don't worry." He crouched down to the same eye level as Henry. "They're not for eating. It's for a kind of game. A really fun game." He aimed with a crossbow. "I call it target practice."


Neal was looking for something in a wardrobe. Robin Hood, Eliza and Mulan were watching him.

"You found the crystal ball," Mulan said. "What else are you looking for?"

"It showed me where Emma is, not how to get her," Neal replied.

"Um, not sure you can find a horse in there, mate," Robin Hood told him.

"I don't need a horse. I need a portal. A way to create a portal."

"Why don't you calm down and tell me what the problem is? Perhaps Eliza and I can assist."

"Henry is trapped in Neverland with Peter Pan who's hands-down the nastiest person I've ever met."

"I saw Emma in this ball, not Henry," Mulan stated.

"Listen, I was in Neverland. Pan was looking for a boy. A specific boy. I know he had some picture of him on a scroll. He called him the truest believer."

"And you believe that to be Henry?"

"It has to be. That's the only reason Emma would be in Neverland. Help me look. Lots of things make portals. Beans. Magic mirrors. Ruby slippers. Some kind of ashes."

Startled by the noise, Little John and two Merry Men entered the room.

"What the hell was that?" Little John asked.

"Stand down, Little John," Robin Hood told him. "We're fine."

From behind, a young boy regarded the proceeding with curiosity and approached Robin Hood. Robin Hood scooped the boy up into his arms.

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