45. Swan Song

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A young Killian was awake at night, as the ship was thrown around by the violent storm outside. They were in the middle of the ocean. Killian was watching a lantern that had been lit and was scared. Moments later, a gust of wind blew the lantern out.

"Father, Father!" Young Killian cried as he bolted up in bed, scared.

Brennan entered the cabin calmly. "It's all right, son. I'm here." He used a match to relight the lantern. "See? There's nothing to be afraid of." He took a seat next to Killian's bed. "Now... remember, whenever you feel scared, all you have to do is look inside. We're all braver than we think if we just look deep enough. Before you know it, you're gonna be a man, so I'm just trying to prepare you 'cause then you're gonna have to answer life's big question. What kind of man are you going to be?"

Young Killian, after a few moments, chuckled. "I want to be just like you."

Brennan also chuckled. "Well, that's a nice answer, son. Now, close your eyes and find that brave part deep inside yourself, hmm? And you don't have to worry about a thing. Your father will watch the light for you. Just go to sleep, Killian. Go to sleep."

Young Killian finally fell asleep, and hours later, he woke to see that Brennan was gone and panicked. His older brother, Liam, was asleep on the cot beside him.

Young Killian called, "Liam? Liam, wake up! Father's gone!" He tried to rouse Liam, but he didn't wake. He ran to the door and opened it, only to bump into a man.

The man entered the cabin and asked, "Are you looking for your father?" He pointed to the ocean. "Look out there. He rowed away an hour ago."

"Rowed away? Why?"

"Your father ain't what you think. He's a thief, a fugitive from the law. He heard there were soldiers waiting at the next port, so he bought my old rowboat... and left."

"Why would he leave us?"

"How do you think he paid for the boat? He traded you and your brother into my service."

"No! No, he wouldn't do that!"

"Now you know what kind of man your father really is." He left the cabin.


It was night and Hook waited on a road somewhere in the forest as Mr. Gold slowly made his way towards him.

"It would appear I've won," Hook said.

Mr. Gold was holding Excalibur. "Oh, did you? Last time we fought, this sword ended up at your neck."

"You won a battle, not the war. I took the dagger from you, and now you have nothing and never will."

"Watch it, pirate." He attempted to run Hook through with the sword.

Hook magic'd himself out of the way, and appeared behind Mr. Gold. "Aah! There's the Rumplestiltskin we know and love! This is why Belle's left you, isn't it? She knows just what kind of man you really are."

"And what kind is that?"

"The kind who loves his power more than anything... more than her, more than your dead son, which is why it's so bloody satisfying to take it away from you. Mmm, remember how good it felt?"

"Power is only as good as the one who wields it. And you've done nothing but parlor tricks."

"Oh, is that right? Well, I think you're really gonna like what's next. The trick where I finally get my revenge."

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