11. New York City Serenade

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Prince Philip rode through the woods. Aurora prepared a picnic.

"You're late," Aurora said.

"I came as quickly as I could," Prince Philip replied.

"I'm hungry and I miss you." Prince Phillip embraced her. They kissed.

Prince Phillip looked at Aurora's belly, gently stroking it. "You're always hungry now."

"And cranky. I'm sorry. I know, there are royal responsibilities."

"None that match my responsibilities to you. Our family. I'm the one who should be sorry."

In the distance, thunder and rumbling could be heard. Purple clouds rose.

Aurora looked up to the sky. "What is that? Is it a storm?"

Their horses fled the scene in panic. Lightning hit the ground.

"That's not a storm," Philip said. "It's magic. Come. We need to get you to safety. Now." They turned to run. With one final rumbling the purple clouds disappeared. "Are you all right?"

"Yeah, I think so. What was that?" Aurora replied.

"I don't know."

They turned around and faced a group of former Enchanted Forest residents: Snow White, Prince Charming, the Dwarves, the Evil Queen, Neal Cassidy, Granny, Red Riding Hood, Hook, Eliza and Belle.

Aurora, surprised, asked, "Snow? What happened?"

"We're back," Snow White said.


Emma entered. A man awaited her.

"Hey," the man greeted.

"Sorry, I'm late," Emma apologized as the man stood and embraced her.

"I guess that means you caught the guy."

"So optimistic. I like it."

"If you hadn't you'd have cancelled."

"You know me too well."

"Emma Swan always gets her man." A waiter served a glass of wine.

"And apparently my drink. Thank you."

"Thank you. How did Henry and Aubree's volcano do at science fair?"

"It was Pompeii all over again. Thank you for your help." They clinked glasses.

"Come on. All I did was convince them not to use real lava."

"Their teachers did appreciate that. Let's eat. I'm starving."

"Let's do it." Emma looked at the menu enlisting small plates.

Both enjoyed a meal and the man asked, "Are you happy? With your food - are you happy?"

"We are happy," Emma told him.

"I'll be right back." He stood.

"Okay." A waiter took the plate away. "Thanks." Emma's cell phone beeped. "Hang on, I'll just finish one quick work thing." Hook sat opposite to Emma. "You!"

Hook interrupted her. "I can explain."

Emma, angry, cried, "You are a stalker!"

"Don't scream. Just hear me out. I don't do this very often. So treasure it, love. I've come to apologize."

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