24. Family Business

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Colette took off the library books.

"The wall... It's fallen," a soldier said. "We must leave now. The town will soon be overrun."

"These books are too valuable to leave to those monsters," Colette told him.

"My lady, please."

"Take these trunks to the carriage. I'll be just behind you."

"And your daughter?"

"I will find her. Now go. Darling, we must leave, quickly! Where are you?"

"I'm right here, Mother!" Belle answered. "I'm sorry, but I couldn't leave without this. It's the first story you ever read to me, remember? It's what made me fall in love with books."

"Of course I remember, my Belle. Quickly, we must flee befo..." They heard a noise.

"They're here."

"We will hide till they pass." Colette and Belle were hidden under a table. An ogre entered.

"Ogres!" The ogre walked in the library, searching for something.

"Shh! It's going to be all right." The ogre discovered Colette and Belle under the table. Colette screamed.


Belle woke up in her bed. "Mother?!" Belle was walking in a hallway. Her father saw her and went to see her.

"Belle, why aren't you in bed?" Maurice asked.

"What happened? W-where's Mother?"

"You mean... You don't remember?"

"Remember what, Father? I..." Belle saw a coffin. "No."


Mr. Gold put the hat's box in his safe with his dagger.

"Rumple?" Belle called.

"Belle," Mr. Gold said.

"Hey, I've been... Been looking all over the house for you. Didn't even hear you leave."

"Well, I didn't want to wake you. Just a few things to take care of before we open."

"Well, whatever it is, it'll have to wait. Emma called. She needs to see us right away."


At the Sheriff station, they watched Emma's video.

"Give it back, Kevin," the Snow Queen said. "The camera is Emma's, not yours."

"Emma, that's you. You must be..." Mary Margaret trailed.

"13, maybe 14," Emma finished.

"Are you missing the part where she's with the Snow Queen?" Regina asked. "Emma, you knew her before you came to Storybrooke?"

"Apparently my run-in with her in town wasn't the only memory she erased. All this time in this foster home, or whatever that place was... It's gone."

"Look, I-I just don't understand how she even ended up in this world," Belle said.

"We were hoping Gold could tell us that. You spent more time trying to get here than anyone. How the hell did she do it?"

"Considering the time I spent on the same task, I'd love to know," Mr. Gold replied.

"Does it really matter how she got to Emma? I mean, shouldn't we be more concerned about why?" David questioned.

"Obviously, she needed her for something," Regina stated. "But what? Well, that's our next problem."

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