32. Mother

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The Evil Queen's carriage went back to the castle. The Evil Queen saw a group of people on her land and said, "Stop the carriage." Regina and her father got out of the carriage. "Good day, citizens. Enjoying the meadow?"

"Indeed," the pastor replied. "It seemed perfect for our wedding ceremony."

"It is lovely. But see, the thing is, these are part of the royal lands, and I don't recall giving you permission to marry here."

The groom said, "We didn't know. We had just... Uhh!" Regina ripped the heart of the groom.

"Oh!" everyone cried.

"Your majesty," Henry said. "Could you be overreacting because of what day it is?"

"Don't talk to me about this day, Daddy," Regina told him.

"But you need the support of your citizens, your majesty. To alienate them would be short sighted and weak."

"I'm not weak! I was going to spare you, but someone just made me angry." Regina crushed the groom's heart. "Next time there's a wedding, book the church... Make your way home. I have someplace to go." Regina left.


"Mother," Regina said.

"It's been too long," Cora stated.


Regina and Robin Hood had a drink in a bar.

"So..." Regina began.

"Yeah," Robin Hood said.

"So you moved on... With her."

"That's not fair. You understood. You agreed."

"Understanding it and seeing it are different."

"That's hardly the most important point here. My son. Zelena's not gonna keep wearing that glamour, and Roland's not gonna understand where his mother's gone. For him and Eliza to lose her again..."

"A forgetting potion. Just take him back to before the fake Marian showed up. He'll lose time, but it's better, right?"

"Yes. Thank you... God, poor Marian... And Zelena... Just killing her like she meant nothing so she could play out this sad farce with us. I just... I wanna... But I can't. I mean, I-I knew that things didn't feel right, but I just didn't know why."

"I'm sorry. This was all about me. For her, this was all about... Making sure I never get my happy ending."

"If by happy ending, you mean us, then... At least, in a way, that's possible again. Look, it's messy, I know, but... Between us..."

"Is a huge obstacle. And it's going to get bigger every day, and not just for nine months either. It's a lifetime she has cooking in there. No matter what happens from now on, there's going to be this child. You're tied together in a way... In a way we'll never be. I'm such an idiot to think that life wouldn't kick me in the teeth again."

"I hear you. Just..."

"Just what?"

"What do we do now?"


"Can't believe this survived all that time," Emma said.

"This place that belonged to your..." Lily trailed.

"His name was Neal. He was a lot of things to me. Now he's just gone, thanks to her."

"Sorry? I think I just felt it kick," Zelena told them. "You wouldn't want to rattle an expectant mother now, would you?"

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