" my angel. " (kaebedo) 🧸

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TW: none

Valentines Day. A day to celebrate with those you love. Whether it be your partner, your parents, your siblings, or your friends. A day of love and hope. A day of gifts and affection. A day of passion.

Today, that passion burned strong within the Calvary Captain, Kaeya Alberich. He has been dating a certain.. alchemist. Anytime they were off duty or taking time away from experiments, they'd hang out and spend time with one another.

He loved every second of it as well. Kaeya finally walked out of the knights headquarters, looking at his phone with the things he thought Albedo would enjoy, making his way over to the market places.

He only saw a few familiar faces, but it wasn't every day you'd see Kaeya in the markets out of all places. However, he seemed to ignore the stares he got. He got what he needed and left, making his way towards Dragonspine.

Now it was just time to contact Albedo, let him know he was on his way.
Hello my love, I'm on my way to Dragonspine

Alchemist 💎
Oh, alright my dear. I look forward to seeing you. ❤️

It was a lengthy walk, but he didn't mind, however he should probably be sure to pack an blanket, as Dragonspines weather could be quite harsh, especially since he was so used to Monstadt's warm and welcoming weather. He took note of this as he walked into his home.

It was rather simple really, but his room consisted of multiple shades of white, black, and blue. Fancy, if you could call it that. He grabbed an spare blanket from his closet along with the basket he grabbed as thinking down on this surprise.

He places a bouquet of roses and Celia Lillie's with in the basket, applying golden tissue around it to give it a bit of pizzazz, adding a box of chocolates, a pair of earrings shaped as beakers. Hesitantly, he added a bottle of wine as well.

He wasn't so sure Albedo drank, if he did, it wasn't so often. He then gently placed a letter within the basket of goodies, with it, it read:

Dear my sweet alchemist, for you, and all that you've done for me. My love for you cannot be expressed through gifts but hopefully this gives you an idea. -Kaeya 🤍

He smiled a bit at the finished product. Now, he just had to deliver it to Albedo. He stood up and grabbed the basket and blanket, along with something to protect the basket from the harsh weather.

Once he had arrived, he knocked against the door, waiting for his lover to answer the door. Gods he hoped Albedo enjoyed the gift. What if Kaeya didn't do a good job? Shit. Now he was overthinking.

When Albedo opens the door, it's like seeing an Angel. Sure, he's told Albedo this a hundred of times, but he truly looks like something from heaven. If there is one, anyways.

Albedo was dressed with an white dress shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, a tie around his neck, a pair of ripped skinny jeans, and a pair of black boots.

"Kaeya, you're here." Albedo says with a smile, it's soft and calming to look at, Kaeya could stare at that smile all day if Albedo would let him. "The one and only." Kaeya says before laughing at how dumb that sounded.

"I- uh- I got you a gift!" Kaeya says as he held out the basket with a smile. Albedo laughs gently, "Thank you, my dear."  He says as he gently takes the basket, "Please, come in." He says before taking Kaeya's hand and walking inside.

After they got settled, Albedo placed aside the gifts delicately, not long before joining Kaeya who was on the couch. "Thank you, I love them." Albedo says, referring to the gifts, leaning against Kaeya's chest.

Kaeya smiles softly, "I'm glad, my Angel." Kaeya coos, kissing Albedo's head gently, only for Albedo to sit up a bit and press his lips against Kaeya's with a smile, letting the warmth of the fire place engulf their frozen bodies.

Words: 700

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