" you're my windblume. " (diluc x venti) 🧸

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a/n: i re-did this entirely because i looked back at it and this sucks 😭 so uh hopefully this is better than the last one

TW: mentions of crowds, uhhh- diluc being diluc, venti being venti

It was one of the most important day of the year, Windblume. Though, Diluc wasn't big on the celebration, he planned to hold a special event for such an special holiday anyhow, like he did for most. It wasn't long before Kaeya walked into the tavern with a smirk on his face.

The blue haired male walked over and rested his elbow onto the counter, the rest of his body leaning outward. "Why, Master Diluc, you're always stuck in this tavern or in that manor of yours, you should get out sometime." Kaeya said with an arrogant smile, making Diluc scoff.

"Well, work doesn't get done on its own, it'll only pile up if I don't do it." Diluc stated as he placed glasses aside after drying them, now working on wiping down the counters. Kaeya sighed, this was going horribly. "Well, perhaps you could take a few minutes? Todays special, after all. Plus, I have a surprise for you." Kaeya says.

Diluc arched his brow, the last time he accepted an surprise from Kaeya it ended up with Diluc being drenched, as Kaeya loves to pull pranks and little antics that he called 'jokes'. And usually, Diluc let them slide. But today was slightly different for some reason.

It was like this every year, Diluc never did understand the Windblume holiday, as he never had interest with love or talked often with loved ones, nor had much he enjoyed. Boring, people called it. Diluc sighs, "And this isn't another one of your stupid pranks, is it?" He asks.

Kaeya let out an dramatic offended gasp, "Why, I'd never!" Kaeya said, standing up and crossing his arms in a dramatic demeanor. Diluc rolled his eyes, "Right." He placed his towel neatly onto the rack, dusting himself off. "Fine. But, if it's another prank, I will kill you."  Diluc hisses, making Kaeya chuckle.

"Alright, alright, I'm sure you'll like this surprise, no pranks, I swear to the gods." Kaeya says, speaking honestly, well, as far as Diluc could tell. The walk was silent, as the two didn't have much to speak of without disagreeing with one another.

That, or insulting each other. They had quite the complicated relationship, yes, they were brothers, but refused to acknowledge each other as such. They got along rarely, when they did, it was usually on the topic of what made great alcohol, or the subject of their father.

As the time passed, they finally made it to Venti's proclaimed tree, Diluc's expression went from uncertainty to confusion, he turned to ask Kaeya why they were here, but he was gone. He huffed as he crossed his arms, then jumping slightly at the thud against the ground behind him.

He quickly turned, only to be face to face with Venti, who was smiling wide with something hidden behind his back, "Master Diluc! You've made it!" Venti chimes happily. And for once, Diluc didn't feel tension, he didn't feel betrayal like he did when he spoke with others.

He just felt honesty, and love. He's known Venti for quite some time, even as him being Barbatos, he used to draw drawings underneath the Monstandt's Protector statue. Planning to marry him when he got old enough.

Foolish dreams, as if he'd ever have a chance with a bard such as Venti. Too kind and generous for his own kind, a selfish, self absorbed bartender. Though, he himself was blind, offering to help others whenever they needed, only to be turned down.

He finally snapped out of his trance of love and sorrow, only to see Venti's smile shining as per usual. He nodded an hello, before opening his mouth to speak, "Hello, Venti. Did you need anything? You could have visited the tavern." Diluc says.

Venti shook his head, "Ah, no! I just wanted to tell you something." Venti smiles, causing Diluc's eyebrows to knit together in confusion, "Oh? Is that so?" Diluc asks, causing the bard to nod quickly. "Uh huh! But first I need you to close your eyes!" Venti says.

Diluc arched his brow before sighing, "Really?" "Yeah! C'mon! It won't be long!" Venti insisted. Diluc sighs as he nods, "Alright, alright." He says before his eyes fluttered closed.

Venti quickly took the Cecilia's from his back, holding them out for Diluc to see when he opened his eyes, "You can open them now!" Venti says cheerily, a smile on his face as pink dusted his cheeks, butterflies bubbling up within his stomach.

Dilucs eyes fluttered open within seconds, staring at the flowers in shock, "I-" Diluc could feel his cheeks heating up along with the rest of his body. Venti smiled as a result, letting Diluc take the flowers, and Venti rubbed the back of his neck.

"I was wondering if you'd be my Windblume." Venti says with a smile, making Diluc chuckle quietly, smiling softly. "Of course, Lord Barbatos." Diluc taunted, making Venti giggle as he walked over to the other.

The bard pulled Diluc down to his liking, placing a gentle kiss to the others cheek, before saying, "You're my windblume." He says quietly. And which resulted in Diluc placing a kiss on Venti's lips, making the bard turn red.

"Oh shut it, you tone-deaf bard." Diluc teases. Making Venti huff, "I am not tone-deaf!" He crossed his arms, resulting in Diluc letting out an soft laugh.


words: 937

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