"wonderful songs" (xiaoven) 🧸

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TW: voices, alcohol, panic attacks

Xiao sighs as he laid within the grass of Cider Lake, his eyes closed as he tried to shut out any of the voices basically screaming within his mind. Hopefully, this would ease down soon. Or Xiao would go insane. Literally.

Well, if he wasn't already insane. He questioned his own stability for quite some time now, he knew he wasn't normal. No one is at random saved by the Geo Archon himself. But he couldn't understand... why did Lord Rex Lapis save him? Perhaps pity. Perhaps he saw something within Xiao.

But what? All he is, is an adeptus. He protected people, but couldn't anyone do that? Although, not a lot of people could easily take on a demon. His siblings didn't. That still burdened him to this day, he could've done something. He SHOULD'VE done something.

His thoughts snapped as his eyes opened to hearing an noise, a thud. Followed by a scream of pain. He quickly got up and looked around, deciding to investigate the noise. He walked underneath a tree, before hearing an voice.


Or.. well, Venti, as he likes to go by now. He didn't quite understand the Archons and their aliases, but, one thing he's learned through the years? Don't ever question an archons purpose.

He was formerly introduced to Venti as just an adepti Zhongli freed, he never got the chance to even talk to the bard, however he didn't think he would've at the time either. But he guessed now was the time.

"Xiao!" Venti smiled wide, hanging off of the tree with his legs, "Aren't you just the ideal hero!" Venti says playfully, his braids falling upside down on the sides of his cheeks.

Xiao never considered himself a hero. But he played along, if you could call it that. "Venti. I heard screaming. Are you alright?" He asks, the bard returned a quick nod, hopping down onto the ground, giggling as he was just about two inches taller than Xiao.

"Sure am! You're even prettier up close." Venti blurts, causing his cheeks to flare. But, Xiao didn't quite get it. "I- don't see your reasoning to that, but I guess I'll thank you for the compliment." He said, but inside, his heart was pounding. What was this?

He tried to ignore it for now. Venti tilted his head in curiosity, "Why don't you ever smile? A smile would look good on you!" Venti says cheerfully. Xiao shrugs merely, "Nothing to really smile about. Well.. for me, anyhow." Xiao says.

Venti huffed, "Perhaps I could make you smile!" Venti beamed. Xiao arched his brow, "I'm not so sure." He says, somewhat nervously. Venti shook his head, "I'm gonna try! What about music? Do you like music?" Venti asks.

Xiao looked puzzled for a moment, "Music? I suppose certain kinds.." Xiao mumbles, Xiao decides he might as well get comfortable and sits against the tree trunk, making Venti smile. "Alright! Maybe I could play you a tune on my lyre!" Venti says, placing his hands on his hips.

Xiao thought for a moment, one song shouldn't hurt, should it? He sighs softly before nodding, "If you'd like." He says, Venti jumps up and down excitedly, smiling like a child. He makes the lyre appear from anemo energy and leaves.

LINK HERE: https://open.spotify.com/track/7J8IO7sEtAADp53X63WQ0K?context=spotify%3Auser%3Anp0lf4fiquc1olih2yoo4g08j%3Acollection&si=eogTx8VNTKGGh6IEG1vxiA

As the song began to play, every worry that laid within Xiao seemed to melt away, he brought his legs to his chest, wrapping his arms around his legs, resting his chin upon his knees. Venti smiled a bit at the sight.

As the song ended, Venti made the lyre disperse, teal anemo energy and leaves swirling around it before it was gone. He walks over to Xiao and sits beside him, leaning his head on his shoulder, it caught Xiao off guard, but he didn't push the bard away.

"I should play for you more often." Venti says gingerly, pecking Xiao's cheek gently, causing Xiao's cheeks to flare red, his yellow golden eyes glanced over to the loving bard, who in return, smiled.

Xiao let a small smile creep up onto his lips, shaking his head with a quiet snicker, "You're truly an idiot, Venti." He says before closing his eyes, resulting in Venti giggling.

"Ehe, I know!" The peppy bard exclaimed before snuggling up close to the adepti, smiling as he squeezed his eyes shut gently.

Words: 747

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