" protecting you." (xiao x y/n) 🧸🖤

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TW: mentions of thunderstorms, fear of death, crying, possible panic attacks

The rain was hitting the roof of your home like crazy, the wind could be heard from inside, thunder would boom loudly, rumbling the ground slightly (yk that feeling, or maybe im just weird-), meanwhile, you were hid under the covers of your bed. Meanwhile, your boyfriend, Xiao, was making you your favorite food, [insert favorite food].

As the wind got rougher, Xiao perked up at the sounds of your whimpers, his yellow siren like eyes gazing at the bedroom door you two shared. "Y/n?" He asks, biting the inside of his cheek as you didn't respond, he huffed and turned off the stove. Xiao quietly walked to the door, opening it carefully, seeing you trembling under the covers.

"Y/n? Are you alright?" Xiao asks, trying to keep worry out of his voice, but he couldn't help it. He was always protective of you, he was bound to check on you anytime you've stayed quiet for too long, making sure no one's hurt you. "I-I'm fine," you stammer, though he knew it was an obvious lie.

Xiao stepped close towards the bed, carefully sitting at the end of your feet, rubbing your leg gently, trying to soothe you the best he could. "..If it'll make you feel better, we could cuddle." He says quietly, in result, you pull him down beside you, throwing some of the blankets onto him.

Xiao was a little taken aback by your fearful actions, but he didn't say anything. He understood your fear in a way, feeling like a trapped and caged animal. He wrapped his arms around you, letting you rest your head upon his chest, feeling your salty tears soak his sweater.

"I'll protect you, I promise." Xiao says softly, pressing a kiss onto your head, running his fingers through your hair as you melted into his embrace. As thunder struck again, you clutched his shirt tightly, whimpering softly. Xiao shushed you quietly, whispering reassuring words, rubbing your back gently.

"It's alright. You're safe with me, butterfly." He says quietly, gently placing kisses on your face, causing you to slightly giggle, looking up at him with still teary eyes, "Thank you, my love." You say softly, watching as Xiao's rough and scarred hands wipe the tears from your eyes and face.

"I've sworn to protect you, I have no intent to break that promise." Xiao says, kissing your nose gently, smiling subtly as he watched your nose scrunch up from the feeling, before laying against his chest again, embracing his warmth, and eventually, you drifted off to sleep.


a/n: this was really fun for me to write, sorry that most of the chapters have been fluff, been struggling for motivation for angst and or smut, working on more chapters tho!! -kris

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