" snowcones..? " (aether x xiao)🧸

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tw: none

It was a blistering hot day as Aether and Xiao decided to get together and make some use out of the hot and sunny day they had, going around and doing whatever commissions that needed to be finished. Boy did they make a huge mistake.

As sweat beamed down Aether's forehead, he watched as Xiao seemed to keep guard of anywhere they stepped, occasionally stopping the both of them to make sure an entry or so was safe. It was a good instinct to have but of course, the blonde worried the adepti was worrying too much.

Or was it just Aether being stupidly oblivious to any possible dangers? Xiao himself, was sweating like crazy, but he didn't bother to complain, as it could be much, much worse.
Xiao once again stops at another entrance, this time, earning a complaint from Aether's fairy companion.

"Ughhh! Paimon is so sick of you stopping every time we reach a new entrance!" Paimon whined, clinching her fists in a pouty demeanor, resulting in Xiao glaring at her. "Would you rather go inside without an idea of what's in there?" Xiao hissed.

Paimon bit the inside of her cheek as she settled herself on Aether's shoulders, Aether sighed. "How about a break? I say we're all tired and drained from the heat. I think Good Hunter is selling snowcones for the heat." Aether suggested with a hum.

Paimon smiled a bit, "Paimon thinks that's a great idea!! Paimons so hot she's going to faint!" Paimon says dramatically, huffing. Xiao stared at the two in complete confusion, "...snowcones? I don't think I've heard of those before.." Xiao says, crossing his arms, his yellow electric eyes seeming to stare into Aether's.

Paimon and Aether were definitely taken aback when the Adepti stated his unfamiliarity with the treat, considering well, he eats snow anytime he'd pass by Dragonspine. "You've never heard of snow cones?!" Paimon asked, completely shocked, and perhaps offended. I mean, who DOESNT know about snowcones!?

Aether laughs a bit, crossing his arms a bit as he watched Paimon speak with over dramatic hand gestures and arm movements. Xiao arched his brow. "I never heard of it until now. I assume it's made out of snow?" Xiao says, arching his brow with slight curiosity.

Aether shakes his head, "Mm, not exactly. More like... shaved ice. With flavor. It'd be better if you tried it." Aether says, smiling. Xiao huffs in slight annoyance. He never was the one for public spaces. It was like everyone saw a ghost when Xiao was present. It was always a nuisance, an inconvenience.

"Fine. Only this once. I do not like being in public, so please make this quick." Xiao hisses in distaste. "Of course!" Aether says with a preppy small smile. Paimon claps her hands excitedly, "Yay! Paimon wants a extra large snowcone!!" She smiled wide, making Aether sigh, shaking his head at Paimon's demand.

When they arrived, they quickly ordered, and moved to the water fountain within monstadt, sitting down on the brim of it and began enjoying their treat. Xiao was hesitant but carefully pressed his tongue to the shaved ice, letting it linger on his tongue before he seemingly began to enjoy it.

His eyes seemed to lighten, like a kid in a candy shop, eating their first treat within ages. He stared at the cone in confusion, making Aether giggle. "Good, huh?" He asks with a little smile. Xiao nods silently as he continued to enjoy the treat, glancing around his surroundings so often.

Aether's heart seemed to thump aggressively in response to the others actions, observing every little detail on the others face, his beautiful yellow eyes, his gorgeous dark teal hair, his stunning glowing skin, his flawless body figure. He almost wondered what it'd be like to kiss the Adepti's soft, soft, pink lips.

Instantly, he snaps out of his intrusive thoughts before they got any worse, blinking his eyes quickly as he looked down at his cold treat, giggling a bit to himself. He kept in mind to every so often bring Xiao to Good Hunter for snowcones, possibly take him out sooner or later. Yeah. He liked the idea of that.

"Traveler?" Xiao asks, looking at Aether with his eyebrows knitted with a tint of worry and concern, that cold edge never left his eyes, "Are you alright? You've gone quiet." Says the adepti.

Aether glanced at Xiao and smiled, "Yeah! I'm fine. I'm great, actually." Aether says with a dopey smile, his chest bubbling with joy and happiness.

Words: 780

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