We Will Rise

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I had allowed Skaikru to punish Ilian however they see fit since the crime was done against them.

"Sectors 3, 4, and 5 sustained the worst damage. We lost the server room, a lot of our processors, life support systems, and half of our living quarters. Now backup power will keep the lights on at night in the rooms that survived, but we'll have no heat or running water. And no way to restore it or reseal the ship before the radiation gets here." Monty informs

"Is there any good news?" Bellamy asks

"Well no one died." Kane sighed

"Forget the Ark. it was never goanna save us all anyways. We need to focus our resources on the nightblood solution. Is the fuel loaded?" Clarke questions

"It's in process, but Clarke, it isn't goanna be an easy ride." Bellamy frowns

"What don't I know?"

"With the secrete of Praimfaya out, I sent Echo, Gaia, and my army back to Polis to keep the peace since Indra can do so much." I inform

"That's good. We need peace to distribute the cure." Clarke nods

"More than half of them deserted on the way. With the end coming, they want to be home. I don't blame them." I shrug

"After what happened with Ilian, I can't spare many of the guards to protect you." Kane frowns

"My security detail can protect us." I offer

"Thank you. That's very generous." Kane says

"We are all in this together now." Roan states

"I'm goanna check in Octavia before we go." Bellamy informs

"I'll come with." I smile

We walk into medbay and I stood by and watched Bellamy talk to Tavia before I talk to her.

"You gave us a scare. You saved so many people, O." He sighed

"Get out." She spat

"Octavia, I thought you were dead."

"Octavia is dead. She died when you killed Lincoln."

"Please don't say that, O. Hey, I'm your brother." Bellamy frowns

Tavia turns to Bellamy, "Why do you think you're still alive?"

After bellamy left I walk up to Tavia.

"Hey." I smile

"Ror- Heda!" She smiles

"You don't need formalities, Tavia." I smile back, sitting on her bed

"How have you been?" Tavia asks

"Pretty burnt out. I'm just glad the clans respect me." I giggle

We talked for a couple more minutes before we said our goodbyes.

I met everyone outside and was told I'd ride in the back with the fuel.

"All set?" Clarke asks Monty

"Locked and loaded. I do however feel the need to reiterate. You're about to drive the last 10 barrels of Hydrazine known to man, a cargo which Raven needs every last drop of, through hostile territory, packed with waring clans, over uneven roads where one serious bump cause an explosion that would not only kill all of you, but would wipe out mankind's only remaining chance for survival." Monty reminds us

"What could possibly go wrong?" Roan sarcastically asks


"Hang on. We've got a situation. Looks like a Trikru checkpoint. Stay alert, no weapons." Bellamy says, coming to a stop

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