"My Shot"

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Lafayette's pov

As i look at the long haired boy with confusion like the rest of my friends he starts to speak  "i am not throwing away my shot, i am not throwing my shot!" me and my friends look even more confused as he continues to talk "Hey yo, I'm just like my country
I'm young, scrappy and hungry
And I'm not throwin' away my shot" john and Herc were starting to get was he was saying while i was still really confused, after all i only knew a little bit of English "I'ma get a scholarship to King's College, I probably shouldn't brag, but dang, I amaze and astonish" john started laughing a little, herc saw that i was still confused so he whispered something to the long haired boy, he nodded then started to  repeat some of his words in French. I then started to understand what he was saying "The problème is I got a lot of cervelle ( brains) but no polish, I gotta brailler ( holler) just to be heard
With chaque mot ( every word) , I drop knowledge. I'm a diamond in the rough, a shiny morceau de charbon (piece of coal)
Tryna reach my goal my power of speech, Inattaquable ( unimpeachable), Only nineteen but my mind is older
These New York City streets get colder, I shoulder. " i started to understand what he was saying more clearly, i might actually like this guy, Just wish i knew his name. "Every burden, every disadvantage I have learned to manage, I don't have a gun to brandir (brandish)
I walk these streets famished" i heard John gasp, the long haired boy then continued on "The plan is to fan this spark into a flame.
But damn, it's getting dark, so let me spell out my name" yes, he was finally gonna tell us his name "I am the A-L-E-X-A-N-D-E-R, we are meant to be" i  chuckle along with John and herc as we all decide to play along with Alexander "A colony that runs independently
Meanwhile, Britain keeps shittin' on us endlessly
Essentially, they tax us relentlessly
Then King George turns around, runs a spendin' spree.
He ain't ever gonna set his descendants free
So there will be a revolution in this century
Enter me!" "( he says in parentheses) " me, John and herc giggle as alex continues.

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