Chapter 14 - LATE

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The world seemed brighter today. To be fair, it was a hot day. The sun was shining. The birds were singing or whatever.

And well, you were on your way to UA University.

The day had started pretty normally. The universe seemed to disregard the fact that this was a momentous occasion. Then again, you didn't mind the normalcy. It felt safe. The morning was terribly domestic and it comforted you in ways you had never felt before.

Your steps faltered as you recalled what happened only hours prior.


You stepped into the kitchen early, groggy as per usual. You hair was a matted mess. You'd probably rolled around in your sleep a lot last night. Anticipation maybe? Ah. It didn't matter. All you knew was that you needed coffee and you needed it now. Plus you had to make some for Endeavor.

When you looked up, you frose.

Sunlight poured in through the window near the sink, painting the counter in beautiful shades of yellow and pink.

In the middle of the still picture was Endeavor. His night shirt's deep v-line made material slide over his shoulder and pool just under his deltoid.

His right hand was planted in his hair, trying - to no avail - to fix his bed head. In the other hand he held a steaming cup of coffee, sunlight dancing on the evaporated water and creating a ever moving rainbow.

He sleepily opened his eyes, turquoise stones behind thick red eyelashes, and turned to you, cocking his head to the side with a small smile painted on his God-like face.

Seconds later - seconds that felt like wonderful eternities - he opened his mouth and in a husky morning voice asked,



"God fucking dammit, (Y/N). Stop thinking about it." You cursed yourself, a traitorous blush already glowing across your cheeks.

"He's just a guy. He's your employer. And he's kind of a dick. Let's not." You reminded yourself. Your mind betrayed you however, conjuring up images of sun-kissed skin and fiery red hair bathed in a golden glow.

In your self depreciating haze, you bumped into a slight frame, that promptly fell onto the floor.

You snapped out of it, hastily looking down at the poor person you'd practically body slammed.

His grassy, blue hair was the first thing you saw, followed by red eyes and a scarred mouth and neck.

Geez the kid needs some lip balm.

You scrambled to grab his hand, pulling him to his feet while you spoke a quick, heart-felt apology. His response to your frantic remorse, however, was a horrific pain over the entirely of your forearm.

He pulled away as you cried out, his posture going from shocked to guarded.

You looked at your arm.


Where the fuck is your skin? The wind blowing past your flesh set your nerves alight, a completely foreign pain wracking your body.

This probably didn't happen on purpose but God it hurt.

"Don't worry, kid. I'll be able to heal it."

You turned to the young man, your face no doubt bathed in sweat.

He seemed perturbed by your reaction, as if he expected you to be angry. The image reminded you of the time Shouto had dropped a ceramic mug in front of you, turning to you as his face paled and his gaze hardened. Ready for...discipline? Shouting? You didn't know. You simply patted his head and used one of your telekinesis quirks to pick up the pieces, promptly throwing it in the trash. The way the tension melted from his body was as relieving as it was heart-breaking.

You patted the blue mess of hair. "Sorry bud, but for my quirk to work I'll need some of your blood. Can you do that for me?"

He looked apprehensive but not disgusted, like others would be when faced with quirks like these.

"Fine." He mumbled, his voice unbelievably scratchy. Had it come from a more imposing dude, it might have been scary, but now it only made him seem like a kicked puppy.

He brought his hand to his neck, scratching so hard his skin bled, then brought his now red fingers to your face. You swiped your own finger over his, calling upon one of the villain spirits.

"Wénzi." You addressed the Chinese spirit. You didn't like him - his crimes were very difficult to come to terms with. But he had a useful self-healing quirk that suited the fighting style Zack had taught you.

The villain placed his vile hand on your shoulder. You could see it stained with blood, see the corpses of dozens of children that became a singular sentence in his record.

You brought the young man's blood to you lips and licked it. He scrunched his pale face up but his disgust turned to wonder as your skin immediately began to regrow, weaving together with fascia to cover maroon muscle.

Without warning, you placed your hand in his bleeding neck, and without any prompting, Yuki placed her hand on your now healed forearm. You felt pain in your neck - the sensation significantly dull compared to having your nerves set ablaze.

When you pulled away, he slapped his hands on his neck, baffled.

You glanced at your watch.

Oh fuck. You'll be late.

"Listen, kid. I need to run but it was nice meeting you. Sorry for bumping into you!"

And with that you were gone, leaving a mildly perturbed man on the side-walk.


You burst into the classroom. Dozens of eyes landed on you, though you were pleasantly surprised that not all of them were straight out of high school.

You were potentially the oldest,  though.

You awkwardly shuffled to the nearest seat in the auditorium.

"What's your name?" The professor asked.

You inwardly groaned. "(Y/N) (L/N)."

The professor paused, his eyes widening by a fraction. His tone became less accusatory as he asked, "Why were you late?"

"Ah I bumped into someone and they had a little quirk malfunction. Lost half of the skin on my arm but I healed it. See?"

You lifted up said arm, proudly showcasing your perfectly healed skin.

The professor nodded, not pressing the issue. Maybe a bit disbelieving at your casual mention of excruciating pain but, quite frankly, you didn't care.

The professor segued, "Welcome to orientation day, aspiring heroes. I want to introduce myself by saying that it's never to late to follow your dreams, or whatever."

You snorted softly.

"For today, get used to the campus and  get to know your classmates and teachers. Tomorrow, you start training at full speed. Welcome to Hell."

You smiled. Hell seemed pretty nice.

PYROMANIA (Endeavor X Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now