Chapter 1

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The weird encounter

3rd pov:

".. up!"
"wake up!"
"Aether! Wake up!!" a floating child said while shaking the said person also known as Aether. Aether grumble while getting up in the cold hard ground "what happened?" he ask looking around "Paimon?" "Aether!! oh Thank the archons! Your awake!" Paimon exclaimed in relief "Paimon is very worried you won't wake up!" "Paimon also don't know where we are!!" she said as she was looking around frantic about the situation they are in.

Aether a little more awake in Paimons outbursts also looks around and widen his eyes as he stared his friends unconscious in the ground. He quickly went to the nearest person to him and shake them to wake them up. "hey hey wake up!!.. Wake up!!" Aether shout at their ears and the person shot up at his voice. "oww my ears! You don't have to shout at me!" "sorry, Venti I panik when you didn't wake up" Aether apologize to Venti. Venti grumbled and look around, he look back at Aether and Paimon looking for an answer on where they are he also notice the others are starting to wake up with Paimon shouting at them. "WAKE UP EVERYONE!! WAKE UP!! WAKE UP!" Paimon shout at everyone suddenly something is thrown over her head to shut her up and it did(its a pebble). She became angry and was about to shout at the person who threw the pebble to her but quickly shut up becouse of the glare she was receiving from the person who threw the pebble at her. Once everyone processed what is happening they put their guards up. "where are we? Is everyone safe?" Jean said to everyone while being on guard. Finally Paimon spoke "Paimon don't know what happened but Paimon wake up here with everyone else!" that said people are Aether, Venti, Jean, Amber, Diluc, Kaeya, Zhong li, Childe, Xiao, Klee, and Qiqi. Klee and Qiqi are being protected by the grown-ups.

Once they settle down that there is no danger they started to discuss what happened while still on guard." so does anyone know how we ended up here?" Diluc exclaim " hmm.. I think I saw a bright light while I'm about to sleep" Kaeya said while everyone agreed " I too saw a light and everything went black" Zhongl li said "I never encounter something like this in my years" then Venti perk up and said "me too. This place don't look familiar and I think we're in an alley" "should we take a look where we are?" Amber exclaim. " it's not a bad idea but I think it's a little dangerous if we just roam around without knowing where we are plus there are children with us. We should have two people to look around and find out where we are while the others stay here" Jean suggested " then I will look around with..? Umm who want to come with me?" Aether said while looking at every one. Diluc signs then said "I will" "okay then Aether and Diluc will look around while we wait for them, still be on guard everyone" Jean said as Aether and Diluc left to look around the place they are in.

Aether and Diluc walked around and realized that they're in a abandont place with huge buildings around. They were at awe " I think we're in a completely different universe" Aether gasped out "looking at the tall buildings is an example" Diluc continue. "hey, looks like there's a crowd over there!" Aether pointed at the exit of the alley. They quickly run to the said crowd and once they got a good look, what they saw was people walking, a big rectangular with moving pictures attached to one of the buildings(TV), something moving with people inside it (cars I don't know what to describe😭) and more that they can't explain. They also realized is that it's more advanced than their world and the people walking are wearing a plain yet fashionable outfit that don't look from any nation in Teyvat. They look at each other and agreed that it's enough and they should go back with the others and report what they saw. They can't just ask someone for help because they might attract unwanted attention because their outfit is completely different from the people here. And also don't know how to explain their situation and not look crazy.

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