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"Yes, hyung?"

"I love you and everything but what the fuck are you doing?"

Jungkook sat up from his previously lopsided position on Yoongi's couch with a grin.


Yoongi turned around in his seat to look at the younger male with a raised brow.

"Then kindly shut the fuck up," he said with a sarcastic grin. Jungkook didn't take that to heart though, and simply flashed another cheeky bunny smile.

"Aw c'mon hyung I just wanna spend time with you~"

"Why exactly?" Yoongi asked, turning back to his computer.

"Well..." Yoongi could hear the pout in Jungkook's voice as he spoke. "Everyone else is busy."

"Doing what?"

"Jiminie hyung and Taehyungie hyung went out on a date because they wanted to 'explore the streets of Taoyuan'," Jungkook answered with a roll of his eyes. "Namjoon hyung went Namjooning. Jin hyung's taking a nap and I'm too scared of him to wake him up,"

Yoongi snorted at that, imaging the way Seokjin would beat Jungkook's ass if he woke him from a precious and well-needed nap. "What about (Name)? Aren't you always hanging around with her?"

The envy in his tone didn't go unnoticed by his own brain, but Jungkook didn't seem to catch it.

"She's off with Hoseok hyung learning some choreo,"

Yoongi's words died on his lips. He gritted his teeth at the mention of Hoseok's name.

"I'm jealous because I want to be with her."

Things had been awkward after that day in the restaurant bathroom.

Though neither one had brought it up again, Yoongi was now hyperaware of every single interaction Hoseok had with you. It was mentally exhausting.

Clamor by the front door snapped him out of his thoughts, and Jungkook sat up straight. Both Jimin and Taehyung pushed the door open, chatting animatedly with a slightly red-cheeked you.

"You're backkkkkk!!!" Jungkook sang excitedly as he bounded over to the three of you, while Yoongi stood up to greet you. At that moment, Seokjin slowly trudged out of his room, sleep just barely fading from his eyes.

"Aw I knew you'd miss me, Guk-ah!" Taehyung replied, patting his head and Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"I was talking to (Name)," he retorted, sticking his tongue out, which caused Seokjin to laugh. Taehyung pouted before pulling his camera off of his neck.

"I'm gonna go download these onto my computer. I'll send them to you later Jiminie,"

"Ok~" the shorter male replied with a thankful smile as Taehyung left to his room.

"Hey weren't you with Hoseok hyung?" Jungkook asked, looking around at the lack of the dancer. Yoongi once again frowned at his friend's name.

"Yeah but he said he wanted to practice more on his own," you answered. "But omg, everytime I see Hoseok dance I feel like I'm watching him again for the first time,"

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