Tomorrow (you have a meeting go to sleep!!)

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"U-um, so you can start unpacking your things, (Name)-shhi, and I'll call you once dinner is ready. Is there anything you would prefer to eat?" Jin asked, trying to be as polite as possible.

"O-oh no no Seokjin-shhi, I'm fine with anything. You can make whatever you're comfortable with and I'll eat it. Besides, I'm the one who just barged in like this. You shouldn't be worrying so much about me," you said with a sheepish but genuine smile, all while waving your hands in front of you.

"No, it's no trouble," he smiled. "You will be a part of our group now. We might as well try to get used to each other," he smiled and beckoned the others to follow him out.

"If you need anything just tell us," RM gave you his dimpled smile and closed your bedroom door. You sighed lightly at the closed door and opened up your suitcases, starting to pull out your sweaters and shirts. You did so for a bit until you heard your phone ringing. Looking at the screen, you sighed, your heart hurting as you looked at the I.D.


"Annyeonghaseyo? (Name)-shhi?"

"Yes, hello, Sooyoung-shhi,"

"He's going to go to bed now and he wants to speak to you,"

"Yes, give him the phone,"


There was some shuffling before a deep and raspy voice spoke up on the other line, making your throat tighten.

"Yah, are you okay?" his voice asked you and you marveled at the way he still managed to ask about you despite his own condition.

"Don't worry about me! I'm fine. What about you?! How do you feel?!" You inquired. His chuckle made your head pound.

"I feel just fine, pabo," he said fondly.

"Oppa, I'm not a pabo. In fact, I may be smarter than you!"

"Yeah yeah. Are those boys treating you well?! "

"Oppa" you whined

"Okay okay. I'm so proud of you (Name). My little sister is gonna be an idol!! Ahh I'm so proud!!"

"It's not a guarantee that I'll be successful, Oppa. I mean, especially since I'm joining BTS and-"

"Yah! Listen to me. You're bound to have at least one person support you and don't forget that no matter what, I'm going to be your number one fan!"


"I love you," your brother spoke up with a smile in his voice.

"I love you too, Oppa,"

"You know what I really want?"


"I want to see you on T.V. and I want you to wave and say I love you Oppa!!"

You laughed.

"I'll make sure it happens for you, Oppa. You should sleep and take rest now,"

"Yeah okay. Make sure you eat well and sleep too. I know you're going to start becoming really busy but make some time to talk to me okay?"

"Always have time for you Oppa,"

"Love you, pabo,"

"Love you too,"

The line went dead and you sniffled lightly. Oh how many times you thought about how you should be the one in the hospital and not him. He was the one who took care of you and yelled at bullies when they bothered you. (Oldest Brother's Name), your oldest brother, aged 4 years greater than you, was suffering due to a chronic disease called bronchial cancer. Doctors were never able to tell you if he would live or not. They had told you that it was the most fatal type of cancer in America and only a small percentage survived it. And you were strongly believing that he would live. Even so, you wanted to do everything he asked just in case-NO! Stop thinking like that. He'll soon be completely healthy! Yeah I'm just worrying for-

A soft knock was heard from the other side of the door before a timid voice rang out.

"(Name)-shhi? U-um Seokjin hyung says that you should come to eat now," Jimin said. You smiled lightly at the door and went to open it. The male jumped slightly, not expecting you to come open it for him.

"Of course, Jimin-shhi, I'll be right there," you said. He nodded before he made a mad dash for the dining room. You chuckled softly and closed the door behind you. As you made your way to the room, you could hear some hushed whispers.

"What do we say?"

"I don't know, act natural!"

"What?! How?!"

"Do we have to eat cleanly?"

"Yeah! And no stealing food!"


"Shh shh she's coming!"

You walked in to see the males either looking at you or looking down at their plate.

"Uh you can sit next to me, (Name)-shhi," Hoseok said, motioning for you to take the seat in between him and Namjoon.

"Thank you Hoseok-shhi,"

He gave you an awkward smile, not the same beam that was usually decorating his face. Well, you didn't blame him.

The dinner was quiet. Nobody really spoke except for the occasional request of food. That was, until Namjoon decided the silence must be broken.

"S-so um (Name)-shhi. How long have you wanted to be an idol?" He asked you. You put down your chopsticks and looked at him thoughtfully.

"Hmm, I think since I was 10 years old?" you replied.

"Oh wow," Hoseok muttered.

"...And how long did you train for?!" Jungkook suddenly spoke up.

"O-oh um, I didn't really train. I just had an audition and-" you responded but were cut off.

"Exactly. Just an audition. How come you didn't train?! How could you be an idol without training?! No offense, but we work like hell here and you really didn't do any preparation to get used to our schedule!" Jungkook spoke up angrily. There was a slightly stunned silence until you spoke up.

"I know I haven't prepared much and that's why I'm so nervous, Jungkook-shhi. I know I won't be able to adjust to your schedule on the first day. But I promise I'll try my best! I know it's difficult for you all to get used to some random girl coming into your life..." you said, your voice getting softer towards the end. Jungkook was still frowning. You made eye contact with Jimin and he offered you an encouraging smile, to which you reciprocated. The rest of dinner was completely silent. Once the males finished, they bade everyone good night. Everyone went into their rooms, with Jungkook looking back at his room, before his eyes narrowed at you, although you were too busy looking at Seokjin cleaning up the table to notice. You walked over to eldest hyung.

"What should I help with?" you asked him. The broad-shouldered male jumped.

"O-oh you don't have to do anything. You should get some sleep though, (Name)-shhi. We have that meeting tomorrow morning," he said with a sheepish smile.

"It's okay, I'm used to sleeping late and waking up early," you said, your eyes now looking at the floor and haunting thoughts began to seep behind your eyes.

You pushed them out when you heard the male chuckle.

"Probably a good thing to be used to. You'll have to get used to it considering our schedules. Anyway, if you really want to help me, can you just wash the dishes?"

"Of course!" You smiled and made your way to the sink, grabbing the sponge and wetting the dirty dishes.

Seokjin smiled at your form lightly. Although you coming into their group would change their lives forever, maybe, just maybe, you weren't going to be as bad as everyone thought.









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