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idek why but i suddenly started finding it easier to write in present tense :/

i keep doing it instead of past and its weird

and it's hard to keep fixing

I mean i tried my best to fix it back to regular

but if there a couple words here and there im sorry....

Oh and....


I know I didn't update

don't blame me

.....if i haven't updated its cuz im attending to other responsibilities in my life.

I've been so stressed out these past few weeks and i havent been sleeping either. So I'm sorry for not updating lol. It takes time for me to think up what to write. So yeaH!!


I'll let you guys get through this mess of a chapter.

I hope you enjoy :/

It's been a couple weeks since the new year started, and everything has been going well. You've all taken a good amount of rest, spent New Year's Eve in each others company (which ended up with y'all drunk as hell). You had the opportunity to go home to your family for a few days.

You had climbed out of the van and pulled your bag out, packed with just the essentials, and Jimin rolled the window down and leaned forward on his elbows.

"Take care (Nickname), we'll see you in a couple days~" he spoke, Busan satoori taking over his voice already. You smirked a bit and leaned forward.

"Yes oppa~I'll miss you~" you replied in the same accent which had the mochi smiling with a slight roll of his eyes. Jungkook leaned over his hyung's shoulder and smiled.

"Bye (Nickname), don't miss me too much!" he smirked and you scoffed.

"Don't worry, I won't. It'll be nice sleeping in my own room again," you joked and Jungkook put his hand over his heart in mock offense. Jimin laughed at your antics before speaking again.

"Okay maknae, we'll see you soon!" he smiled and he cupped your left cheek with his hand. You stopped breathing when you noticed how soft the gesture was, unlike the usual playful way. His thumb gently ran over your cheekbone before he pulled his hand away and you released your breath.

Jungkook was watching intently, his expression neutral, but something in his demeanor calmed down when Jimin's hand dropped.

You smiled at the two before turning around, intent on walking towards the entrance of your small house when-


A small boy came running out of the house his arms spread and a wide smile on his face.

"Oh shi-" you started saying but the boy jumped up and you immediately caught him as he wrapped his arms around your neck and giggled. You laughed a bit and rested his weight on your hip as his small hands held your cheeks.

"Hi noona!!" he smiled.

"Hi Peanut. How have you been?" you asked. Your brother smiled and happily kissed your cheek, before hugging you tightly.

"I missed you so much noona!! I can't believe you're here!! You look so pretty from the last time I saw you!!" he squealed and you laughed at his words, love for him shining in your eyes.

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