Outro: Does The Rumor Make Sense?

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Seokjin marched into the room, his eyes ablaze with some sort of passion. But you didn't see that, because you were still fast asleep.


"Oppa~why are you like this to me? Please just give me five more minutes~~" you whined and turned away from him.

He facepalmed and aggressively pulled off the covers, leaving you cold and shivering.

"yOU fOoL (Last Name) (Name)! As of last night, you're in the middle of a HUGE dating scandal!!"


"wait....WHAT?!" you screeched, sitting upright. He had to stop himself from laughing due to the situation, but the way your hair stuck up and how sleepy your eyes looked was very amusing.


"WHat who aM I dAtiNg??"

"Kim Yugyeom!" Jungkook said, walking into the room, brows furrowed. "Great job (Nickname), take my friend,"

"So it was a date. That day you went out, you were meeting him? How could you not tell us??" Jimin pouted, right behind the maknae.

"No wonder she got all dolled up," Yoongi grumbled, on the mochi's heels.

"I just think you should've trusted us and told us (Name)," Namjoon sighed, walking in while rubbing his temples. "Like...we wouldn't have told on you for violating the contract,"

You sighed guiltily at the seven who now so graciously stood in your room.

"I know...I'm sorry guys. I really do like Yugyeom and I was just scared that you'd be mad at me for getting us in trouble,"

"I like Yugyeom too (Name), but nobody's accusing me of dating him," Jungkook pointed out, like you didn't already know that.

"Wow I feel so stupid for not knowing that," you said sarcastically. "But seriously, it's kind of annoying. Can't a guy and a girl go out while being friends? I mean it wasn't even just us two alone. There were others,"

"Yeah we know," Taehyung said. "We were only teasing,"

"I wasn't," Yoongi said, almost proudly. "She really did get dolled up,"

"I did not!" you said indignantly. He smirked.

"You'd tell us right (Nickname)~" Jimin sang, eyes stretching to crescents as he sat next to you and started smoothing down your bedridden hair. "If you started dating someone?"

"Hmmm~~" you pondered. "NOPE!"

Hoseok's jaw dropped in offense.

"Rude!! Why not?!?"

"Uhm excuse me but do you remember how you fools acted when I mentioned my last boyfriend??" you sassed and everyone's lips sealed, although some were pissed at the way you had addressed them.

"Okay we overreacted but I think we at least deserve to know if you are dating someone," Namjoon said. You nodded in agreement.

"I'll tell you when--or IF I do. But I'm not dating Yugyeom right now,"

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