Because of the Rain: A Brief Shorty

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Because of the Rain: A Brief Shorty

"You said you loved me?!" He clenched at my boot, the soles digging at the skin against his throat. If I closed my eyes, I could almost feel his Adam's apple quivering in distress.

"I did, or...I said I did! You know how tedious things tend to get! You are a very high-profile target with a lot of assets, there is really nothing more I can do!" I looked around the room, I was sloppy in this kill, I would have to deal with it bare-handed if I couldn't find a good weapon.

"Five years though? You lied during all of that?!" He was forcing at my leg, working to get me off of him. The oxygen deprivation rendered him weak. I ran my hands roughly through my long hair. I was supposed to be out with friends, and he was supposed to be sleeping off his drunken stupor. He was incredibly sober tonight.

"Yes..." I answered coldly., he was pushing out answers he didn't wish to die to. He did have the love of his life or whatever turn on him.

"Why?" He started to ease, the struggle of death was suppressed in his mind as he asked his questions. I laughed, this was the end to our story, and he deserved his answers. I looked around the room and found myself caught in the storm outside.

"The money, I know my job," He hesitated underneath my boot. I dropped to straddle him. He was no longer a fight.

"People will come for me, you have to know that!" I laughed again at his desperate attempt to reason with me.

"Tsk tsk, honey, you mean the guards and personnel I have become rather familiar with? They will no longer be a threat to me. It's just us now," He stared up into my eyes. They wonder a question. The tragic question every victim of mine wonders.

"Why tonight? You said you were just going out," I failed to find a better weapon. This would be a bare kill.

"The rain..." He looked at me with new fear in his eyes. He no longer knew the woman he slid a beautiful ring onto.

"What? Be serious!" I was done talking with him. I positioned my hands around his neck and started to squeeze. He had fought his last fight, there was nowhere left to go.

"Dead ass serious, you always loved a good storm. I figured you would respect a death like this. I listened," My thumbs found the arteries to restrict the flow of oxygen and blood. His eyes rolled back as life slipped from him, "All because of the rain my love," 

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