70. Mother

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One thing they had noticed about Ijin, was that he was rather protective of everyone. But he wasn't like an overbearing parent or anything. If he thought they could handle whatever situation they found themselves in, then he would let them handle it. 

But it was when he thought they needed help, that was when he would step in. At the same time, if he thought they deserved it, then he would let them struggle. Like the time Jaehyung had told a kid off, only for the boy's very intimidating father to go and ask what was the problem. That was when Ijin just shrugged his shoulders, practically telling his friend 'Sucks' and didn't offer any help. However, the moment the conversation became physical between the two, that was Ijin stepped in (Especially since it was the father who had become physical first) and made sure that Jaehyung wouldn't be hurt. 

It was comforting to know that if anything bad happened, Ijin would be willing to help them as much as he could. Even more so when Seokju and Yeona tagged along, as Seokju often just followed Ijins lead when it came to confrontations. 

Sure, he was a little bit of an ass when Ijin didn't help them escape a situation they had caused, but they knew that while he was around, none of them would get badly hurt. he watched for everyone like that. Ijin might have exhausted the others when it came to his below-standard social skills and references, but he carried his own weight in that aspect. 

"How many eggs do you think we'll need for the cake?"

Hyeokjin pondered over it for a few seconds. It was his cousin's baby shower, and since they had owned a bakery when his mother was still around, they had been commissioned for the gender reveal cake," Hm...How big did she want it again?"

His father hummed as he put a carton of heavy whipping cream into the cart, his graying hair laying limply against his wrinkly forehead," She said that it was going to be a small party, so let's make one big enough for 30 people."

Hyeokjin hummed, his eyes lingering on his father's gray hair (Gray hair that his mother had caused prematurely) before he answered," Let's just get a dozen, we'll come back if we need more."

"Sounds like a plan." The air was tense between the two of them, the both of them subtly looking around, watching the women around them as they continued their shopping. 

His mother had been released mere weeks ago, and despite the fact that she wasn't allowed to be in the same city, they were still on the lookout. Paranoia was starting to set deep in both of them. 

All of a sudden, his father wrapped an arm around his shoulders, and brought him down to his height," Don't worry," He said simply, ruffling his son's hair," She been doing her check-ins, she's not anywhere close to us."

He just sighed and indulged himself in some physical comfort as he leaned against his father. 

"I hope it stays like that."


He leaned in closer to the screen, his tongue peeking out of the corner of his mouth as he tapped away at the keyboard. He could hear the others tapping away on their keyboards, all of them trying to come out on top of the online game as Yeona showed just how much they had improved. 

The air was filled with frustrated groans, and shouts of victory filled the café as their team came out on top. He exchanged laughs and grins with the others, all of them scolding or praising each other for the moves and actions they did. 

Hyeokjin barely noticed Ijin excusing himself to the bathroom. 

But he, as well as everyone else, noticed the message that came a few minutes after he left, while they were waiting for him to come back so they could start the next round. 

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