95.Childish Statement

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He didn't know how this managed to happen.

But what he did know, was that it was kinda awkward.

"Jesus Christ-Ijin," Major Kang groaned out as he hooked his arm around Ijin's neck and pulled him forward," Stop walking behind us. You freak me out when you do that!" Jiyeh look thoroughly amused at the way he stumbled forward, as did Kyong and the others.

Pulling away from the older man, he straightened out his suit jacket as he reminded the man that he was still on duty. It was quite literally his job to walk behind them as they strolled around the park.

"If I didn't know any better, I would have thought you two were family." Jiyeh chuckled, a small smile on her face as she motioned that it was fine if Ijin stayed in the front with them.

Well, it wasn't awkward for the couple, but it sure as hell awkward for him.

"He's like the little brother I never had!" Ijin flushed as he smacked away Kang's hands from his hair, trying to keep some sort of dignity as he did his job," You should see the way my men treat him, he's like the spoiled younger sibling of the group."

He pursed his lips at the title, because out of everything he could be called, he wouldn't say that he was spoiled.

Kang must have known that he was going to react that way, because without even giving a glance at him, he quickly followed up the statement with," Don't pretend like I don't know about all the little plushies the others mail to you."

Now it felt like all of the blood in his body had rushed to his face. He felt his entire face turning red, and he could feel his ears turning red, especially at the way he heard poorly hidden snorts coming from both the madam and the other men.

Oh, he was so going to get the man back.

He had no idea how.

But he was so going to get Kang back for embarrassing him.

They wandered around the park a little bit longer, and when he was prompted to, he would join in on the conversation occasionally. It was peaceful.

At least it was until they passed by the playground and the playing children. Because as it turned out, fate was on his side for once.

Ijin smiled at the children, happy to see the little ones having fun in a nice, safe environment. He saw more than one of the kids glance over at them, a mere glance of curiosity before they went back to playing.

But there was one child, a little boy more specifically that looked no older than seven, that spotted them, and stared at them for a few seconds. The child looked puzzled before he lit up like a Christmas tree, a bright smile on his face. He pointed at major Kang and yelling over his shoulder, he said," Look, mama! He has boobs like you!!"

And Ijin did know what it was about it that made it so funny. Maybe it was just the randomness of the kid, the fact that it was a child who said it, the look of embarrassment that appeared on the mother's face, or if it was the way the major had sputtered.

Something about it was just really fucking funny.

Ijin was usually extremely professional. He was just as professional as the seasoned bodyguards that had been working for half a lifetime already and he was the type of newbie that everyone wished they were when they first started.

However, in light of a child declaring that the major had 'boobs' like his mother.

They were all just reminded that even though Ijin was straight-laced and extremely professional.

He was still 19, not even a legal adult like the rest of them.

There was a loud snort that made them look to the right, and Kang was not amused when he saw the look Ijin was giving him. He was covering his mouth with his hand, his eyes crinkling as he poorly restrained his smile.

The moment he made eye contact with the tomato-red major, was the moment he lost the battle to his laughter.

Ijin threw his head back in laughter, laughing the hardest and the loudest they had ever seen him. Ijin laughed long and hard. He snorted each time he tried to take a breath in, and before long, Ijin was bent over at the waist, trying to catch his breath in between laughs with gasps of air. He was laughing so hard, his face was turning red from exertion. His laugh almost sounded like a cackle, and since the most they have from him was a few chuckles, Jiyeh and the men couldn't help but stare at the young man.

Kang turned so red, it was almost like he was turning purple," Shut up!" he snapped out," Its not that funny!"

That only made the teenager laugh even harder.

Ijin straightened back up, his arm wrapped around his stomach as he weakly pointed at the man himself, silently saying that yes, it was that funny. The entire time, he was still laughing, laughing hard enough that his shoulders would move up and down silently until he took in another breath so he could make his laughter audible again. Despite him straightening up, he was bent over again, his hand covering the upper half of his face in a poor attempt to hide his expression

The fact that Ijin's laughter had made the others start laughing did not make it any better. Some of them had to cover up their chuckles with a cough, and some of them had to physically turn away so they could attempt to discreetly laugh.

"He-h-you!" Ijin stammered out, he could feel a tear slipping out from laughing so hard, his stomach was cramping and his face was starting to hurt from how big his smile was. There was something about a child calling the muscles that major Kang was so proud of, 'boobs' was hilarious.

If it wasn't for his suit, he already would have been on his hands and knees from laughing so hard. He was still leaning on his knees when he felt an arm wrap around his neck, and he already knew that it was the major who was doing that.

"You little shit," he muttered quietly, the embarrassed tone in his voice did nothing to help Ijin calm down," I'm getting you back for this."

He snorted," Whatever mama." He had barely managed to say it through his laughs, but he was able to do it nonetheless.

The punch was worth it. 

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