81. A.U: Younger - Parents

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"Clean it right Han-jae."

"Kiss my ass Hamchan."

"Mom is going to kick your ass."

"I don't give."

"I'm going to tell mom you said that."

Han-jae balked at that and immediately fixed his efforts at cleaning the stove, "Wait no I was kidding."

Kang hummed as he mopped, "That's what I thought." There was the sound of the washer going off, signaling the end of the cycle. Kang didn't stop mopping, "Squirt, can you get the blankets out and move them into the dryer?"

"Got it." He got up to do just that. It was simple, open the dryer and move the wet blankets to the dryer before starting the blanket cycle. He had never lived in a house so when it came to chores, he wasn't as fast as the others when it came to completing them. But at least he was able to do this with ease and if anything, he had gotten somewhat good at folding clothes.

He finished putting the blankets in and with that, he was walking back to the living room, where he could wait for orders to help clean something else.

As Kang had warned, the end of the two weeks was coming up and that meant that Kang's parents were due in a few days to return home. This was why they were all cleaning, something to do with their parents coming home to a clean house but hey, they weren't his parents and this wasn't his house so he wasn't going to complain.

Kang finished mopping and together, the three of them sat down in the living room together, happy that they were finally done for the time being. Now all they had to do was make the beds once the sheets were dried and then they were done, everything was ready for their parent's arrival.

He didn't really know how to feel about them.

He knew that he shouldn't have an opinion about the people who were allowing him to live in their house, or at the very least, he shouldn't verbalize it, but still.

He didn't think that they were bad people. Kang was a good person and so was Han-jae and he doubted they had bad parents. They had to be good people for the kids to also be good people.

He was just nervous.

It was just two more people to meet, two more people to get adjusted to, and to learn how to trust. To make things better, they were Kangs and Han-jae's parents, so if he did anything wrong, they weren't going to be on his side. He already knew that he wasn't important enough to interfere with the bonds they had with their parents and he knew his place anyway, so he wouldn't ask them either way.

A hand running through his hair brought him back to reality. Kang ruffling his hair helped ground him and it wasn't until then that he realized that he was tense, "What got you so nervous?"

It was always weird how Kang could tell when he was nervous.

Feeling some comfort at the action, he had to keep himself from leaning into Kang's touch. "I'm fine." He had to be fine because it's not like he had a choice.

Besides, he was starting to get into his head too much. He was just overthinking it and was as anxious as 032 would be.


He really needed to get himself together if he thought an apt comparison was 032.

Kang pulled him into his side and it wasn't until then that he realized that it was just the two of them, that Han-jae had left at some point. "You know you can tell me anything right?" His voice was soothing, and he could hear the sincerity in the man's voice.

Humming he nodded. He knew that he could tell Kang anything, but it was just something that he was not used to.

And deep down, he was still scared of being betrayed.

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