Chapter 18

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"What the hell was going through your mind?!" Dad scolded, as I sat at the counter with an ice pack on my jaw.
"He tried to hit Lilly!" I exclaimed. "It was either me or Hayes, and I am not letting It ruin Hayes's college scholarship. I can take it on my record, Lord knows it's already cost me a million scholarships."
"I don't need a babysitter." Hayes growled, standing in the doorway. "I'm not 5. I can take care of things without getting punched."
"Excuse me?!" I shouted. "I try to save your ass from losing your dreams, and you have the nerve to insult me?! Why do you make everything so damn hard?"
"Me? Do you hear yourself? You didn't have to tackle JT. He's a fucking dick. In case you haven't noticed, you always get in fights to defend someone else. Not you, but someone else. You don't need to step in other people's business, Michaela."
"What are you trying to say?"
"It's your fault that Luka is like this."
"Fuck you, Hayes!" I shouted, tears streaming my cheeks.
"You would like that." He mocked, storming out the door. Literally, two days ago we got back together.
"I hate you!" I ran up the stairs, into my room. Becca and the twins were on my bed, cuddling and watching a movie.
"Michaela." Becca gasped, as I collapsed on my bed, sobbing.
"Mickey, what's wrong?" Lilly asked, rubbing my back with her hand.
"Boys are stupid." I grumbled.
"Someone agrees with me!" Kitty said, waving her arms in the air for emphasis. I laughed, hugging her.
"What happened?" Becca said softly.
"Was it my fault Luka is the way he is?"
"No, who gave you that idea?"
"I don't know, maybe Hayes when he screamed it at me."
"I'll be right back." Lilly said, getting up.
"Me too." Kitty added.
"Where are you going?"
"To teach Hayes a lesson." "To get some ice cream." They said at the same time.
"Lilly, you can't reach the freezer." Becca reminded her.
"I'm tall enough to reach a door knob." Kitty boasted, marching out of my room.
Becca and I followed her, down the stairs and out the door, over to Hayes's house. Kitty turned the handle, and a bottle was thrown out the door upon opening it. "He's home." Kitty whispered, and ran up the stairs inside.
"Kitty!" Lilly shouted from behind us, chasing after her. Hayes's warning leaving my mind, I ran after them.
"Who the hell are you and why the fuck are you in my house?" A male voice growled, and I froze.

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