Chapter 21

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"He. Asked. Me. Out." She stated for the millionth time, walking in the store.

"I was there. I gave him the idea for a movie." I groaned, pulling a smock over my head, and washing my hands.

"He finally asked me out, Michaela! My crush since like fifth grade, Kyle Madison, asked me out. Do you realize how important this is?" KeKe exaggerated. "This is huge."

"Guys aren't the most important thing in the world, KeKe."

"Do you notice how much time you spend with Hayes? You see him every day, Michaela."

"My world doesn't revolve around him." I stated bluntly, standing at the register.

"Whatever. You love him, right?"

"Can we not talk about this right now?" I asked, motioning to the line of patrons.

"After." She replied, and turned on the other register. Sunday is apparently the second-busiest day of the week for a coffee shop, besides Monday. Today, there is four workers.

"Hello, how may I help you?"

"I need a....."


"It's after." KeKe stated bluntly, as we got in the car.

"Kyle thinks you look hot in purple." I said, trying to change the topic.

"It won't work, Michaela." She sighed. "You love Hayes, right?"

"I don't know."

"You don't know?!"

"I mean, I don't know if I should, or if he wants me to."

"She wants the D.!"

"Keairra Diamond! No she doesn't!" I shouted, slightly appalled. Ew, gross. I may be sixteen, but I don't fantasize about losing my virginity before college, thank you very much.

"You love him. Say it."

"Screw You."

"Not now. We need to figure out what I'm going to wear!" She squealed. Her mind is more scattered than a squirrel's. "How do you know he likes purple?"

"He has a man diary." I told her. "It's pink." I whispered, and laughed.

"His laptop?"

"Yeah." Kyle, Shane, Luka, Callie and I were forced to paint the room in Mikey and Luke's house that was to be Scarlet's nursery when they were babysitting. Naturally, Kyle played music from his laptop, and a bucket of pink paint was dumped all over it. Good thing it was closed, the keyboard and screen would be useless. "He left it open."

We got to her house a few minutes later. "So.....purple?" She asked.

"I think you should wear the purple shirt with the 'Sk8r Babe' in grey." I suggested. "And just stay in the black skinnys."



"Hey," He replied.

"If you don't mind, Kyle, I'd like to get in my house." I said, gently pushing him aside to get in. "Don't just stand there, take her hand and go to the basement. Shesh."

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