Chapter 36

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(*10 days until move*)

"Trevor, I'm moving."


"About 10 days."

"Alright. I have paperwork you need to fill out then. Let's go to the back."We walked into the break room. "Here." He said, handing me a stack of about eight papers.

"You. Expect me. To fill out all of this?"

"Yes, actually."

"Couldn't you just fire me?"

"Would that look good? Getting fired from Starbucks?"

"Good point. Laid off?"

"I have a place to lay you-"

"I will chop off your penis and sell it to the glue factory."

"Okay then."

"Fucking pervert." I muttered under my breath as he left.


"Michaela, what's wrong with me?" Keairra said, sighing.

"Nothing. Why?"

"Is Kyle bipolar or something? Because one second, he's the perfect guy in the world. And the next, he's a fucking prick."

"Ke, you need to shut the fuck up for a second. I'm going insane with you and Kyle always complaining about one another. I'm not a couples' counselor, okay? Okay, good. Now that's out of the way, go fuck him already!"

"Bitch I'm sixteen! I ain't going to fuck nobody. Unless-"

"-it's Liam Payne, I know. You better not fuck nobody. I was joking, woman. Just go talk to him."

"Okay, I guess... Maybe we could stop this 'going in circles' shit." She agreed.

"Yay! We're going to be step-sister-in-laws!" I squealed.

"Let's go with sisters." She laughed, as I hugged her.

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