Chapter 45

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"Keairra! I missed having more girls around here!" Mom said, hugging Keairra.

"Mom! My friends are coming over tomorrow to meet her, and I need her alive." I laughed. "Did you make the cookies?"

"Oh yes!"  She said. "I'd lose my mind if I didn't have it." She came back from the kitchen with a plate of cookies. "Go take these to the neighbors. I'm sure they'd love you meet you lot."

"Bye Mom!" I sighed, taking the food. "Keekers, you can stay here. But you cannot go in my room. I want to be here when you see it. Shane! Callie! Luka! Get your asses-arses-down here!"

Callie grudged up the stairs from her room with Scarlet in her arms. "Not so fun when Wesley isn't here to help you escape your kid."

"Don't fucking go there, Michaela. Why am I here?"


"She's not my mother."

"What happened to you? You've gone all bitchy again. I want my sister back. I don't care if I have to watch Scar. Just go back downstairs." I turned, and left.

"Michaela, calm down. You're going to do something-"

"Shane, can we just go across the road and give them the damn cookies?" I snapped. I'm not in the mood.


"You did what?" I asked.

"It's not that bad. I only did it once." Jess shrugged.

"That's bad. You were twelve!" I argued.

"I was eleven, thank you."

"That's not much better!"

"Okay, okay. We get it. Giving your boyfriend a blow when you're eleven is bad. What else am I supposed to do? I didn't know anything about boyfriends except the bastards my Mum brought home."

"Anyways, it's your turn Keekers." Fallon said. She had invited Jess, Keekers, Nat, Nikki, and I over for a girls' night. Wow, is it bad this is the first time I've ever gone to one of these?

"Alright. My stepbrother isn't supposed to be here in Australia. The only reason he came was because he has this huge  crush on Callie." She giggled. Fuck. She's wasted.

"What's she drinking?" I asked Fallon. I thought it was water.

"Vodka. What else do you drink at a girls' night?" I sighed. This was a bad idea.

"I forgot! I got the pills." Nat said, handing them to Fallon.

I puled out my phone, pretending it was vibrating. "It's my mom." I lied, walking out into the hallway. "Keairra, can you come with me? This house is huge." She nodded, still giggling, and got up.

Out in the hall, I shut the door. "Bathroom." I said, dragging her along. "We need to leave. This is bad. Very, very bad."

"O-okay." She hiccupped.

"How much did you have?"

"Umm......Five. I think."

"Fuck." I cursed under my breath. "I'm going to get our stuff. You stay here. Fix your hair. You're a mess."

"O-okay." She repeated herself.

"Oh my God. My mom is so annoying. You forget to tell her you're going to your friend's house one time, and you get grounded." I lied, as I went back in the room.

"Damn. Keeks is a funny drunk. What's your parents going to say?" It's 'what are', actually.

"I don't know. I really don't care at this point." I grabbed our bags. "Bye."

"Sneak back later!"

"I'll do my best!" I lied for the millionth time tonight.

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