✷ application ✷

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hey guys!!! i am seriously so freaking excited to write another applyfic again!! most of you probably know that i've been away from wattpad for a good while (at least writing on here) but that doesn't mean that i haven't been doing anything!! i think only working on one big wip here on wattpad is a good idea for me so i'm hoping that this goes better than my other unfinished projects. i've never written an applyfic where i didn't have strict roles for characters before so this will be... interesting. :)

but regardless of all that, this one's gonna be a fun one i think



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i. characters are gonna die in this story. i wouldn't apply if that bothers you

ii. these characters are regular old high schoolers visiting a summer camp, set in modern times. please keep this in mind and have realistic backstories!!

iii. i'll try my very best to include every character (or at least one character from every person who applies, if you apply with more than one character) but not everyone can be a main character. making a more detailed form and a more interesting character will help me write them better and make me more likely to feature them more. 

iv. additionally, i do absolutely keep track of who reads actively and who doesn't. if you're actively reading the story, i'll probably include your character more. i understand that people are busy so i'm not expecting anyone to read every chapter within 5 minutes, but... really. leaving comments helps, too.

v. alongside characters dying, this story is going to deal with some other pretty heavy topics. i'll leave more specific trigger tags as necessary in the chapters, but keep a general warning in mind for gore, violence, death, alcohol/drug use, strong language, and possible hints of sexual themes. it's horror, and it's got the mature tag. and also they're teenagers. first password is to tell me your favorite non-pet animal. not like cats or dogs

vi. minority diversity is a big plus for characters in my opinion. different races, sexualities, genders, disabilities, body types, etc.

vii. be nice. just in general. c'mon.

viii. i'm looking for around 7-8 characters not counting my own. there really isn't much room for many more than that due to the setting but if there's too many applications i will see what i can do. i might have to choose which characters to accept or not. second password is to put your character's favorite summer camp activity in the other section



first and last! and any nicknames if they have them

age & birthday
characters aged 17-18 will be camp counselors, any character younger than that will be just a camper--14 at the youngest. looking for mostly counselors!!

gender & pronouns


face claim
please provide a primary face claim and a backup just in case. make sure they have plenty of gifs!!

be detailed! don't just give me a grocery list of traits

clothing style
what would they typically be wearing in summer? what style of swimwear would they like??

family & backstory
who do they live with? what's happened in their past? not everyone has extreme childhood trauma btw

at least 3

at least 3

at least 3. physical or emotional/mental

at least 3. physical or emotional/mental

which are minor icks and which are crippling phobias?

if there's other characters you wanna name specifically then that's great or you can be more generic... who do they usually get along with? do they want friends at all? how do they get along with others?

love interest
no promises on this front but how would you feel about your character having a love interest? multiple love interests???

books, tv shows, movies, colors, objects, activities, etc that remind you of the character. preferably one or two songs also. you can look at mine in the next chapter to get an idea of what i mean but yours doesn't have to be exactly like mine ofc

specific quotes that they say or just generally how they talk. do they swear often, rarely, or never? do they have an accent of any kind?


not mandatory but please if you know anyone who might be interested!! i really want people to sign up lol

anything else at all!


form here for your convenience >>

apply here >>

i'm looking to have all the forms turned in by the end of the day on August 16th! so please get all forms turned in by that day :)


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