✷ chapter five ✷

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Approximately 14 Hours Remaining

At 6AM on the dot, Mr. Christopher Addison awoke. He'd woken up at this exact time every single day--no exceptions--since he was about 17 years old, and he had gotten to the point that he didn't even need to set an alarm. He often enjoyed the first streams of sunlight peering through his window, and often he could hear birds chirping their morning songs. Usually, it was a very peaceful awakening.

But not today.

Dammit. God. Fucking. Dammit.

Mr. Addison slid out of bed, and made his way to the office phone immediately. His office was just next door. He pulled the phone off the receiver, and dialed in the number that he knew by heart without even looking. It rang. It rang. It rang.

"Hey! You've reached Nicole Addison. I can't come to the phone right now, but feel free to leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can, hm?"

"Nicole? Where the fuck are you? I can't believe you're doing this to me right now. You promised. You better get here before sundown. Don't call back."

Mr. Addison hung up the phone. Then, he slid open one of the drawers in his desk. From it, he withdrew a pair of scissors.

With absolutely no hesitation, he cut the phone line.


"Psst, wake up."

"Ugghhghhghgh. I... I think I'm dying."

Michael tilted his head. "Cass, you're so dramatic."

"No, I think this is really it." Cass threw their arm over their face. His throat was dry and sore. He felt like his head was going to explode. They were sweaty. Light hurt. Sound hurt. Cass was pretty sure that those symptoms were all perfectly in line with dying. In their experience, anyway.

"Well... You got enough time to drink a glass of water before you cross the rainbow bridge?"

"Oh, yes, please." Cass sat up slowly and took the glass of water from Michael quickly. "W-Wait, am I--? Am I on the bottom bunk?"

"Yeah. There was no way you were getting yourself up there last night. And I couldn't help you either."

Cass sipped his water. "Fuck. Mickey, I-I'm really sorry, you know? I dunno what's wrong with me... I shouldn't've have got so drunk... made you take my bunk."

"Oh. Well. No worries 'cause I...I didn't."

"...Did you sleep on the floor? God, that's--that's even worse."

"...No, I..."

Cass didn't understand. "Then where'd you sleep?"

Michael didn't respond, his eyes falling to the floor. A red flush started to creep onto his cheeks, spreading over his nose and to his ears...

"Oh, Mickey...? Don't tell me..." Cass snorted, then winced from the pain that shot through his skull. "Geez, if you wanted to cuddle then you could've just asked! I can't believe today is the last day... Think of all the wasted cuddle time."

"Oh, s-stop it. You must be fine if you can still talk like that."

"Actually, I still feel like shit."

"I know. It's noon. That's late to wake up... even for you. Mr. Addison has been waiting for you to wake up. He's got something to say I guess." 

"Probably just his usual goodbyes... Let's go see then."

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