✷ my ocs ✷

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Lucy has pretty little information about her for plot reasons but enjoy Cass' very detailed form!!


~name~*Cass Levine

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*Cass Levine

~age & birthday~
*17 years old. October 31st.

~gender & pronouns~
*transmasc (he/they). out and never shuts up about it

*only goes by "queer." t4t. out and never shuts up about it

~face claim~
*Robert Sheehan

*Cass is quite the outsider. He's not necessarily a jerk, but he can be a little standoffish and his edgy fringe nature can be a little off-putting to some people, making him a total social rebel. They really have no respect for authority whatsoever, are constantly getting in trouble, and don't care to gain the social respect of their peers. Very "idgaf" attitude when it comes to just about everything in life. Cass mostly looks after himself as few can stand to be around him for extended periods of time, but he very much so has a soft spot for younger kids and will take on a nurturing, parental role to them. They know perfectly well that they're almost certainly going nowhere in life, but they consider that to be a problem for future Cass, and present Cass is mostly concerned with drinking alcohol and smoking weed. Kind of the epitome of a teenage dirtbag.
*He has a great affinity for scary stories, and can make them up on the spot. He enjoys when people are mildly uncomfortable around him (provided they're not kids that are afraid) and is known for scaring people around camp by hiding and jumping out at them. They have little to no filter, saying whatever pops into their head, leaving them very sarcastic and quite witty. He also does not get embarrassed easily and basically had no shame at all. He acts up in public and enjoys any attention, even if it's negative. They're a bit of an adrenaline junkie and would do anything if someone dared them to do it. 

~clothing style~
*Cass' clothing often has holes in it, including his band t-shirts. These holes might be from regular use, or they might be from him slicing his clothes with a pair of scissors, or they might be burned through by joint ashes. Their wardrobe consists of very grungy colors--lots of black, dark reds, and dark greens. They either wear baggy ripped jeans, sweats, or cargo shorts. They have a black denim jacket that they rarely take off, even in hot weather, covered in patches that he's hand-sewn on. If it simply is too hot for a jacket, Cass is prone to putting on just a binder and shorts and walking around like that. Cass wears lots of chains--on their jeans, on their arms, around their neck. They pretty much constantly have a pair of headphones around their neck, too. Cass avoids swimming at all costs, and did not bring a proper swimsuit to camp despite the recommendation to do so.

~family & backstory~
*mother: Annalise Levine (40f)
*father: Silas Monroe (39m)
*3 younger siblings: Dante (15m), Priscilla (12f), and Jillian (9f) Monroe
*Even before coming out, Cass was never feminine. They were a "tomboy" growing up, who hated pink and skirts and dresses and princesses. When he was 11, his parents divorced and ended up getting shared custody of their four children. Cass came out a few months before their 14th birthday, and while their mother supported them fully, this greatly strained their relationship with their father. They don't really speak anymore, and since Cass doesn't want to see his father, he isn't forced to even with their custody arrangement. Shortly after that, Cass changed his last name to his mother's maiden name instead of his father's.

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