✷ chapter six ✷

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A/N: so so sorry for the long wait on this one guys!! i am in fact a high school senior myself and college applications have been eating up all my free time lately :/ 

mostly finished with them for now at least! and this is a pretty long chapter (for my usual at least) so hopefully that makes you guys feel a little better about the wait!

~ iMeowmeow654


"Tell us another one!"

"Okay, okay. But after this, you young'ns have to get to bed, alright? We're probably leaving early tomorrow."

The van had never arrived. Obviously.

Cass' face was faintly illuminated by the golden glow of the campfire they had started. Everyone gazed at him expectantly.

"Well... This one isn't like my usual scary stories, 'cus this one is actually true."

Michael rolled his eyes. Cass told this one every year.

"They say there's a witch in these woods. She's centuries old... does some dark evil magic to keep herself alive. Her skin is pale and spotted with age, and her hair is long and white and frazzled. Her face is covered in wrinkles but you won't notice any smile lines. She's short and stout, and... they say she wears dresses made out of human skin."

Millie's skin crawled.

The fire crackled.

"Back in 1978, when Camp Crescent Moon very first opened... she was furious. The Addison family had encroached on her territory. So, she summoned up all of her horrible horrible spell ingredients--her human tongues, and her puppy-dog ears, and her baby tears... and she put a curse on the camp. Now, every full moon, a horde of dark, vicious monsters descend on the camp... With a thirst for human blood, and her on the front lines."

"How come I've never seen any of these monsters?" Kiara asked, pursing her lips with doubt.

"Why do you think Mr. Addison wanted to get us out of here so badly?"

Cass slowly pointed a single finger up towards the dark night sky, where, among the scattered stars, the full moon was glowing bright.

Samuel laughed, nudging Kiara in the shoulder. "Yeah, Kiara. You'd better watch out. There might be monsters around."

Cass stuck out his tongue. "You guys are no fun."

Indigo noticed that Lucy seemed to be deep in thought, eyebrows stitched together. Indigo considered for a moment scaring her (it seemed like the perfect time), but then decided against it.

"Lucy? What'cha thinking about?"

Lucy blinked, shaking her head. "Oh, just... It's not really important, but I was just thinking about... last full moon, a month ago, I tried to find Mr. Addison to ask him some question... I don't even remember what it was anymore, but... I couldn't find him anywhere."

"He must've been real busy fighting off all the monsters."

A group chuckle.

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