✷ chapter seven ✷

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I don't even know what to say about this one guys askjg

I'm so sorry about the slow updates but I'm gonna try to be so much better in these next few weeks! Hopefully a good long update will kind of make up for it. I am not giving up on this story or Madam Q's!

In case you need the reminder, last chapter... well. Let's just say that Lucy met with a terrible fate, hasn't she?

~ iMeowmeow654


Samuel broke into a sprint. He couldn't identify who the scream had belonged to just from the voice, but a lone scream in the middle of the forest at night? It really couldn't be anything good. His weakened lungs screamed at him to stop, and his heart pounded in his ears, but he didn't listen.

Branches whipped at his face, and he stumbled over the uneven terrain more than a few times, but hardly anything could slow him down.

He burst through the trees into a clearing.

"Oh my fucking God."

Indigo was collapsed on her knees over... a pile of shredded meat that looked vaguely like Lucy. Blood was splattered on the ground, pooled beneath Lucy's body, and smeared across Indigo's hands and face as she clutched desperately at Lucy's torn shirt.

Samuel knew immediately that Lucy was dead. Beyond dead. He... it was hard to tell in the gore and violence embedded into the grass, but he thought he could see internal organs--body parts that were never meant to be seen by human eyes like this.

And Indigo was... sobbing. The most heart-wrenching sobs that Samuel had ever heard, bawling her eyes out and struggling to breathe.

Samuel staggered over to Indigo, falling to his knees next to her. He gently reached out his hand to touch her shoulder, "Indigo, what--?"

Indigo flinched hard, jerking away from his touch. "D-Don't touch me! Stay--stay away!"

 "Okay, okay, I won't, I..." Samuel averted his eyes. He wasn't sure he'd ever get the smell of blood out of his nose. "What... what the fuck happened...?"

Indigo's eyes were horribly red. Rivers of tears had made their mark on her cheek, and she wiped a trail of snot away from her nose--a pointless motion as she was still crying too hard for it to make a difference. Her hair was frazzled, tangled, and she wrapped her arms around herself to try and control how badly they were shaking. Her clothing was torn and covered in dirt.

"I--" Indigo choked on a sob. "I k-killed her...! Th-There was a-a m-monster! A h-horrible horrible horr--"

Indigo was clearly hysterical. Samuel... didn't blame her at all.

"--ible monster and I left her! I l-left her to die...! Oh, it's all m-my fault!"

"Indigo. It--I'm. I..." Samuel struggled to find the words. "If... if there's a monster out there, we need to get to the others and warn then. I have to go check on Millie and Kiara, and I'm bringing you with me, okay? There's... there's nothing we can do for Lucy now."

A few more tears slipped from Indigo's eyelashes, but she nodded. Gingerly, she stood, but as she tried to take her first step, she stumbled. Samuel caught her, ignoring her previous plea not to touch her.

"O-Ow! My... my ankle, I can't-- I can't walk."

Samuel propped her up against him more securely, helping her sling one of her arms over his shoulders. "Well, I'm gonna help you. I'm not leaving you out here like this."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2023 ⏰

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