✷ chapter four ✷

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this was mentioned on the application but i'll mention it here again anyway since it applies to this specific chapter. i'll try to add specific content warnings and stuff but hopefully you didn't apply if you're going to be upset by the stuff mentioned in the rules cuz i might forget stuff

c/w: alcohol, underage drinking

~ iMeowmeow654


Approximately 20 Hours Remaining↞

"God, I fucking love that movie," Cass said, momentarily distracting themself from the realization that they would have to wheel the projector back into storage in the dark. "I can't believe you'd never seen it before, Mickey!"

"Me neither... That one kid puking chocolate everywhere was so gross! But... my favorite part was probably the badass werewolf girls."

"Language, you two!" Lucy frowned. "There is a child present."

"What? Who?"

Johnny frowned even deeper when he realized Lucy was talking about him. He liked being young, but not that young. "I'm sixteen...!"

"You're still a camper," Lucy insisted. "That makes you a child."

"Sixteen is not--"

"Alright, alright, let's break it up," Jackson interrupted Johnny for the second time that night. He then cleared his throat, glancing at his watch. Running out of time. He clapped his hands loud, drawing all attention to him. "Everyone, listen up! I planned something a little special for us all after the movie at a spot down by the lake, so... I'd like to lead the way, if you wouldn't mind?"

A general murmur of agreement made its way through the crowd, everyone eager to see the "something a little special."

Jackson took off through the trees.

Jackson had not told Cass about this part. What in the absolute hell? Now he was gonna have to find his way back to this random part of the woods from whatever random part of the woods Jackson was leading them to right now and clean up? It was already almost midnight. They hoped this surprise wouldn't take long.

"Why did I agree to this again? It was supposed to be my special awesome cool movie night and now I'm heading off to--"

"SH!" Michael shushed him, then dropped his voice to a quiet, quiet whisper. "Don't ruin the surprise, Cass. Come on, try to cheer up? Don't you like... y'know? Partying and stuff?"

"But there isn't even gonna be any--" Cass looked around suddenly, and recognition dawned on his face. "Wait, actually... I think I might've stashed a bottle of peach vodka somewhere around here. It looks familiar. I forgot about it until now!"

Michael blinked. "I continue to be amazed by just how much illegal crap you managed to smuggle into camp. Did Mr. Addison just forget to check your bag?"

"No, he did. Just not well enough," Cass smiled a wide, faux-innocent smile. "Oh, perfect! It's just over here."

Cass disappeared off the trail Jackson was leading them down, sharply diverting into the trees on the left.

A chill shot up Michael's spine.

Don't let Cass go off alone.

In absolutely every other possible circumstance, Michael would've trusted Cass to fetch the alcohol all by themself, but something here did not feel right. Every cell in his body seemed to be screaming--don't don't don't don't. He had no idea why--what could even possibly happen to him? Michael was sure it would only take a few minutes...

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