✷ chapter one ✷

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Approximately 108 Hours Remaining↞

"Goooood morning campers! Time to rise and shine! I do pride myself on being time so dearly, and it is currently 8 AM on the dot on this beautiful, sunny... Sunday, August 7th! The final week at camp... wow. As I'm sure you're all aware, campers are set to go home on Wednesday, so enjoy your final days! As for the canteen today--"

"Will you hurry it up already?"

"Aw, somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Don't tell me you're getting tired of me, Cal?"

Calvin rolled his eyes, covering up the camp PA microphone. "Don't be an ass!"

He then uncovered the mic. "Ha, ha. Whatever you say. Anyway, campers, Nurse Penny is heading out today, so... don't get injured. And be sure to say your goodbyes. Tell her that you'll see her next year. Or that you won't."


"What? Me, Samuel, and Benny graduated last spring. I don't think they're coming back next year. And I'm definitely not."

"They might...! Besides, these announcements are supposed to be for the campers. They should all be coming back, yeah?"

Calvin Hansen and Jackson Wilkson had been running the announcements all summer. Really, it was shocking that Mr. Addison allowed it to continue all that time since distractions like these were far from uncommon.

"Anyway!" Jackson said. Anyway. Again. "That's all for today! Breakfast in half an hour!"

Jackson flipped the switch, shutting down the PA. 

"You didn't tell them, like... anything about today." Calvin crossed his arms over his chest.

"...Right. Well, neither did you! And... besides, there's only like 5 days left. They all know the drill by now."

"But how will they know what's for breakfast? The horror! Now they'll have to walk to the canteen and find out for themselves! You know those 14 year olds have no attention spans!"

"Like you have an attention span any better."

"I'm choosing to ignore that. Come on, I'm sure the gang is already waiting for us."


"Those two really couldn't take any longer with those announcements, could they?"

"Go easy on them! The radio station is all the way across camp."

"Yeah, not everyone helps out in the cafeteria, Benny!"

"Damn, okay, okay, I get it!"

The canteen was quiet. Round tables with benches were scattered about the room, each seating anywhere from six to nine depending on how much someone was willing to squeeze. The campers would be filing in any moment now, but Indigo always appreciated the small moments of peace because Benny always let her and Lucy come inside early. Getting first pick of the tables to always claim their favorite spots, first pick of the food--pancakes with fresh blueberries for once. Yum. And of course having a moment to themselves, too...

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