Truths be told

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Thor: Loki? What are you doing here? I told you to leave!

Loki: Oh I was on my way back home when something Jasmina said to me that resonated in my mind. Tell her the truth brother or I will.

Thor: Who do you think you are? You have no right to be here. (Walking up to Loki and whispering) you keep your mouth shut!

Loki: What's the matter Thor, afraid she will see you for who you really are?

Jasmina: Are you two really fighting over this? Get out of my way, I will tell her!

Thor: NO! I will just give me a minute.

Novell: What the hell is going on?

Thor sat down and placed his hands inbetween his legs, locked together, contemplating on how to tell Novell the truth.

Thor: Kitten

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Thor: Kitten.....Novell. Before I begin, keep in mind how much I love you.

Thor cleared his throat and Novell stood there looking confused. He looked at Loki then jasmina, took a deep breath and set his gaze solely on Novell.

Thor: Do you remember the day I left?

Novell nodded her head

Thor: Well I returned the next day I had forgotten Mjolnir and went back to your house where I left it. I found Jasmina there and we began to talk. She said she had never been anywhere and would love to see Asgard. Other worlds and what it would be like to see everything. I took her with me. We talked, dined, drank and I took her everywhere. One night we were in the woods, showing her the wildflowers that grew on our planet. We took a picnic and wine and we began to drink and eat and I'd say the drink got the better of us and we made love under the moonlight and we kept going. The whole month we had one another. Soon we felt that it was wrong and I sent her home the day before I came back to you. I don't know why we did this. She's your best friend and I am yours and it just happened. I'm so so sorry kitten. I didn't mean for this to happen.

Novell: Looked at Jasmina and then again at Thor. Her eyes filled with tears and then she began to laugh. Thor looked at her confused and shocked. Jasmina looked at Novell and pointed at Loki and began to laugh along with Novell. Loki shook his head and began to chuckle as well. Thor was getting upset and didn't understand why the trio was laughing.

Thor: I find nothing funny about this. Somebody explain to me!

Novell: Loki....shall we tell him the truth my love?

Thor: My love? What the hell is going on? What truth?

Loki: Darling, May I?

Novell nodded yes with a smile.

Loki: I lied to you. Just know this had nothing to do with what you have done to me, but Truth be told my brother, I love her. She is my everything.

Thor: You love her? How could you if you mistreated her and hurt her and Used her against her will! You call that love?

Novell: Thor, he never used me! I wanted him to mistreat me, use me, make me his slave. He read my inner most thoughts and desires and he fulfilled them all.

Loki: Not all....yet!

Thor: Loki please....

Novell: Loki! Anyway after all was said and done, I got to see a side of a Loki that I don't think anyone but Antigone got to see. I love him Thor. I love you too but Loki is the one I want to be with. I'm sorry but you left me and now to know you were with Jasmina while you were gone!  I honestly think you two are better suited. I think Jasmina has a thing for you. The way she looks at you is the way Loki looks at me. I'm not mad at. You or her. As much as you two have in common I would have expected you two to get together. Please understand I didn't want to hurt you but Loki is the one I want.

Thor: You are unbelievable! The both of you betrayed me!

Novell: I'm sorry are you angry? What gives the the damn right to be angry? You messed around with my best friend, the only sister I have even known! We both are at fault here! You have no right to be angry!

Loki: She's right brother. You have no right to be angry or to judge her. I knew she was the one the minute I met her. I love her with all my heart, and I will do anything to protect her....and my child.

Thor: Your child?

Loki: Yes, I know he belongs to me. I can feel it.

Thor: You don't know for sure! What if he is mine?

Loki: I will raise him as my own.

Thor: If he is mine, there is no way I will allow you to raise him as your own! We will be a family and you will be nowhere near us.

Loki: Listen dear brother and listen well, she has chosen me, our son will be with us and she will be with me. I will fight for my new family and you will not interfere. If you do, you will endure my wrath.

Thor: Is that a threat?

Loki: No of course not, but it is a promise! Touch her or my child and I will defend them with my life if needs be.

Thor: She will be mine. Jasmina was something just to pass the time! She means absolutely nothing to me! You stole Novell from me just as I did Antigone to get revenge. I won't allow you to to take her away from me because of your childishness and reckless need for revenge!

Jasmina: Something to pass the time?? Did you say that the night before last when you were in my bed, here in Hollum? Your lies are compounding Thor, and should you come find that you are alone, do not come looking for me!  Novell, I love you and I'm sorry for what I have done but I need to leave before I hurt this fool!

Novell: Understood! I will come by later to talk. No matter what, I love you Mina!

Jasmina walked up to Thor and slapped him
across the face. Thor was taken back by Jasmina's slap. He stood up and watched her walk out the door.

Thor: Jasmina wait! I'm sorry I didn't mean it!

Loki: What a weave of deceptions you have created for yourself!

Thor: I made a promise once that I would kill you, I intend to collect on that promise, right now!

Thor: I made a promise once that I would kill you, I intend to collect on that promise, right now!

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Loki: Whenever your ready brother!

Loki: Whenever your ready brother!

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