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Laufey began to obviously become scared and began to tremble at the site of the horizon. The dirt from what was coming began to fly into the air, and came rushing down the hillside, encircling Laufey.

Laufey: NO.....NO.... HOW?

And before Laufey could say anything else or do anything, Odin and his Asgardian army descended onto him.

Odin: Laufey, I warned you the last time we saw you.....Why are you here? And what have you done with my son?

Laufey: Your son? He is of my blood and he belongs to me.

Odin: You left him to die in the wilderness of your planet! I made him my son, I reared him, raised him, made him my family. HE IS NOW AND WILL FOREVER BE MY SON!! WHERE IS HE??

Laufey: What will you trade for his return?

Odin: One life for his.

Laufey: You would die for him?

Odin: I said one life, I didn't mean my own! I meant yours! I will kill you if you do not return my son. Take me to him now!

Laufey: There is no need to be fiesty. I will return him, if.....

Odin: If what Laufey? I am in no mood for your bargaining.

Laufey: Well we must a trade of some sort, he is my son after all. I will return him, if you make Jotunheim part of the nine realms once again. And we are equals, no more bowing down to you or anyone! These are my terms!!

Odin: You honestly think I would agree to that? I should've killed your when I had the chance! I won't make that mistake again!! Now you listen to me Laufey, I give you one chance to return Loki to us and go home or I will send my army to destroy your world once and for all. I will find Loki myself.
Odin stowed up to Laufey and the cruel smile on Laufeys face quickly disappeared and it was then he knew Odin was serious. Laufey took a breath and snickered.

Laufey: Very well......but this isn't the last you will see of me Odin!!

Laufey waved his hand and Jotun Loki came crashing down on the ground.

Laufey: There is your son. Now leave me be.

Odin: Thor, check in your brother!

Thor ran over to Jotun Loki and he was ok.

Thor: He is fine father.

Thor helped him up and held him up as Novell wiped his face of blood and scratches.

Laufey: See, he is relatively unharmed.

Jotun Laufey: Het out of here Laufey. If my father Odin won't kill you, I will.

Laufey: Ohh my misguided son, you can't kill me.

J.L.: You think I won't? What makes you think I won't kill you?

Laufey: Because i know where your brother is. Isn't that who you have been searching for?? Didn't my beloved Azura tell you his name?

Jotun Loki became quiet. When he saw the look on Odin's face he knew that his father knew the secret and had never told him.

J.L.: Tell me where he is.

Laufey: Now why would I do that?

Odin: Because if you don't tell him Laufey I will
Make sure to torture you the way we were tortured by your so called beloved! Only this time I won't be for merciful.

Laufey looked all over the grounds and realized there was no way he would ever win. Jotun Loki quickly grew tall once again and stepped up to Laufey. With one quick move, Jotun Loki wa sable to pin him to the ground and held his hands tightly as he conjured up chains to hold his arms behind him. Laufey grunted and protested, so Loki punched him once and knocked him out.

Thor: Father, I'm glad you are here.

Odin: Thank Heimdall my son, he saw everything. Thor take Loki's dead body back to Asgard and place it in the healing room. Once I dispose of this monster, I will take Jotun Loki back with me to Asgard. They will become one again. You must hurry, we haven't much time.

Thor did just that. He took The woman and even Dargon with him to Asgard and Jotun Loki, and Odin stayed behind.

J.L.: Father, you know something of my brother? Why haven't you told me before?

Odin: You we're not ready.

J.L.: Who are you to decide that? Tell me please!!

Odin: Loki....understand, you are not ready to hear what I have to say.


Odin: Very well. You know him, even grew up with him. I wanted to tell you but even he does not know he is your brother. He can not turn into a Jotun, but he is Laufey's son.

J.L.: How is that possible?

Odin: It affected you differently than it did him. His mother was the change!

J.L.: His mother is Azura...

Odin: No my son, his mother is your real mother as well.

J.L.: NO......

Poppy Princess and the Asgardian PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now