Darling... I am worried

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Novell: No Loki!

Loki: It's for the best my love.

Novell: I don't think it is! You don't understand! I am not going and you can't force me to go!


Novell jumped back at Loki yelling at her and calling her by her full name. Even Thors eyes widened and he made the " oh no" face when Loki yelled. Hell it even scared Thor for a second. Loki had become enraged and began to turn blue. Novell knew he meant business when he began to turn into his jotun form. She knew she has pissed him off, and if he completed his journey into jotun form it would be to late to calm him down. She quickly ran up to him and grabbed his face and pulled him towards her laying a small but passionate kiss on his forehead. This snapped Loki out of his transformation and he opened his eyes to see his beautiful beloved crying. His eyes were filled with tears as well. She embraced him and held him tightly as they fell to their knees. Thor stepped back to watch the couple and began to well up as well. The love Loki had for her was unconditional and so powerful that it was only her who would be able to quiet Loki's rage. It was then he decided to run home to his awaiting Jasmina who was forever transformed by Azuras wrath.

Loki: My darling, I am so worried for you, for us. Please my love, please let's go to Hollum. I need to do what I can to make you better, to clear you of this, this horrible fate befalling you. I will do everything in my power to not lose you again.

Novell: Oh Loki, my love, my heart, my life, I will go.

Novell. Rome down with massive tears streaming down her face. Loki looked up to see her face covered by her hands, it they did nothing to hide the blood colored tears streaming down her saddled face. Loki became shocked and afraid at the site of her. He removed her hands only to see her face covered in red and her eyes went from the beautiful green color to almost black. Loki jumped back against the footboard of their bed in disbelief. Novell instantly stopped crying. Her head hung low, and an evil laughter arose from her lips. Loki began to shake with fear, for he knew what was about to happen. Loki quickly scrambled to his feet and began looking around for Thor. Before he could get far, Novell reached out and grabbed his ankles and pulled him down to his knees. Causing him to hit them hard and cracking the bone. Loki let out a loud scream of pain and fell to the floor in agony. All while Novell's laughter became more intense and more evil. Novell tilted her head to the right and her chin almost pointed to the ceiling as she looked upon Loki. Thor came busting in at the sound of Loki's screams, and saw his kneecaps protruding from his skin.


Novell's head completely turned 180 degrees, and her chin was touching the back of her shoulder. Her piercing black glossy eyes were peering at Thor with a sinister grin on her face. Thor's heart dropped and his breathing increased. Novell placed her hands on the ground and her body made a full 180 degree turn to match her head. She began to crawl towards Thor. Thor began to cower backwards, just then Jasmina came into the room. Novell's focus instantly went towards her and Novell began to screech and crawl backward and huddled into a corner of the room. Jasmina began walking towards Novell with her hand held up.

Jasmina: Thor, grab Loki and take him out of here, NOW!!!

Thor: But I don't understand....

Jasmina: NOW, QUICKLY!

Thor grabbed Loki and dragged him into the other room.

Jasmina began to chant with her hands held midway with her palms facing Novell.

Jasmina: Dos it mah, Tre mi wayah, ols née bashura, Dos mi mah, Tre mi wayah, ols née bashura....

The chant got louder and more intense as Novell screeched a high pitched scream and began to shake uncontrollably. She wiggled and writhed in the floor, twitching and sweating uncontrollably. Jasmina continued her chant until Novell fell completely silent and still. Jasmina was winded and exhausted from the ordeal. She fell to her knees trying to catch her breath. She managed enough strength to call for Thor.

Jasmina: THOR..... HELP!

Thor came running in with Loki right behind him. Thor ran to Jasmina and held her tightly in his arms. Loki carefully bent down by Novell.

Jasmina: Loki, your knees!

Loki: Luckily I can heal myself. I just need a minute or two. What happened to her Mina?

Jasmina: The beast inside her is growing stronger and stronger. We must her her to Hollum now, while I have her under a sleeping spell. Dargon has to fix this, if she is not to far gone.

Loki: And if she is too far gone, what then?

Jasmina: We will lose her forever.


Jasmina: Loki, there's nothing you can do to stop her transformation if she is meant to transform. We MUST take her now!

Thor: Gather close everyone, I am calling upon Heimdall. We will go to Asgard, retrieve the tesseract  necklace and transport to Hollum. We haven't a moment to lose.

Thor screamed for Heimdall and the foursome were transported to Asgard. They arrived with Loki holding Novell in his arms, as Jasmina stood close by with her palm pointed towards Novell, just in case she awoke.

Loki: Thor, go and retrieve the necklace, we will await you here.

Thor: Yes, I shall return momentarily.

Heimdall: There is no need my prince. I can transport you to Hollum, while on Midgard, the All Father has added Hollum to the nine realms. We are now Ten. Hold tightly, I will send you now.

Loki and Thor smiled at Heimdall as he transported them to Hollum. The foursome landed right in the center of town. All was quiet and still. Jasmina walked around in confusion.  The town was eerily calm and quiet.

Jasmina: Something is wrong here.

Thor: Where is everyone?

Novell began to moan and move around.

Loki: We have to take her to Dargon now. His Tent is only steps away, Let's go.

They all headed to Dargon's tent, and helped themselves in. He was nowhere to be found.

Thor: What do we do now?

Jasmina: I don't know.

Suddenly a strange voice came out of nowhere.


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