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Break time

The class was finally over, and Seungmin immediately ran to his friends, ignoring Hyunjin's stares.

Is he perhaps avoiding me? Hyunjin thought, and slight pout formed on his lips.

"Yo bro, why you pouting?" Someone said, putting their arm around Hyunjin's shoulder.

"Shut up, Jisung." Hyunjin rolled his eyes, and slap Jisung's hand away.

Jisung hissed at Hyunjin, Hyunjin just ignored him and walked away. "yah! Hwang fucking Hyunjin!! don't go!!!" Jisung yelled, and then he jumped on Hyunjin's back, which caused Hyunjin to groan. "Han Jisung, get down." "no."


Sheeesh... I better ignore him all day thought the puppy look alike boy, while walking towards his friends.

"Felix~" Seungmin whined and went to hug Felix, and Felix immediately hugged his friend bac. "G'day mate, what happened?" The ausdie boy asked, and Seungmin just pouted.

"I'll tell you later, when everyone's here." Seungmin said as he sighed and Felix nodded his head, looking for others.

Then they caught Minho and Chan talking with each other, being all smiley towards each other. "their conversation seems interesting-" "HEY BITCHES!" Jeongin shouted as he jumped on Seungmin's back.

Seungmin whined. "do you really have to do that, Jeongin?" "yup." Jeongin said proudly, making sure popping p at the end of yup.

Jeongin's smile disappeared, after seeing Minho and Chan together. "what are they doing?" Jeongin mumbled. "prolly talking about dick-" "oh my God Felix, can you shut up?"

Seungmin just face palmed himself. how did I end up friending with these clowns- just then Seungmin's thoughts got cut off by non other than Minho.

"Hyung, what were you doing with Bangchan?" Jeongin asked, looking at the older more like glaring at him.

"Nothing important~ anyways how are you gays? Missed me?" Minho said as he tried to kiss Jeongin, Jeongin showed disgusted face and push him away. "Sheesh, never!"

"Anygays, guess what?" Seungmin said, then everyone's attention went to Seungmin.

"Spill tea, sis." Minho said, fake sipping his imaginary tea.

"Uh, well, how do I start..."

Seungmin ended up telling them everything and showed his and Hyunjin's conversation to them.

"Damn he even asked for your number." the Aussie one said.

"Yeah I don't know what to do, if I give him my number then he'll know that I'm sky, but if I don't, he'll think that I don't like him or something." Seungmin sighed.

"Then just ignore him." Jeongin replied causally.

"Innie I can't!!"

"I don't know, I'm just shocked at that the Hwang Hyunjin followed you back and texted you first and even asked for your number." Minho said.

"You know what? just get into his pants already." Minho said, like a proud mother.

"Minho hyung, I swear to God, I'll cut off your-" before Seungmin could finish his sentence, someone cut him off by calling his name out loud.

Seungmin turned around,and there the Hwang Hyunjin smiling at him and waving at him.

He didn't even realize that his friends were pushing him towards Hyunjin, he was too stunned by the Tallers beauty.

He's gorgeous- "Hey Minnie! I was wondering if we-" before Hyunjin could finish his sentence, Seungmin immediately cut him off. "oh, I forgot my phone in the class. gotta go, haha, bye!" Seungmin immediately ran away, leaving Hyunjin with his friends.

"His phone is with me, though" the Aussie boy said, while watching Seungmin running away.

"Soo~ you're hyunjin?" Minho said, looking at Hyunjin from head to toe. Hyunjin couldn't help but to gulp and nod his head nervously..

Jeongin just shook his head, and walked away from the scene, probably following Seungmin.

Felix elbowed Minh,  telling him to shut his mouth.

"So Hyunjin, do you love Seungmin?" Felix asked, and Hyunjin's eyes widened. "no, he's just a friend." he acts like Jisung- Hyunjin thought "woah I'm getting Deja vu's, I feel like I've heard this sentence somewhere before." Minho said as he cleared his throat.

"Hyunjin you shit< why did you leave me- oh, no, nevermind, bye!" Jisung said, running towards Hyunjin, but after he saw Minho, he changed his mind, and started to walk away.

"Awh, Sungie baby~" Minho said as he ran behind Jisung, grabbing him by his arm.

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL ME BABY!!" Jisung slapped Minho's hand away, and started walking faster, And Minho just followed Jisung, leaving Felix and Hyunjin alone.

"Soooo.." Felix started.

"Felix right?" Hyunjin asked, and Felix nodded his head.

"You wanna see something?" Felix asked, Hyunjin nodded his head, curious about what Felix is going to show him.

Felix put Seungmin's phone inside his backpack, before he took his own phone out of his backpack.

He then unlocked his phone, and started searching for something.

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