yandere happy star x reader

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•Before we start happy star is from happy stars guide to object shows

You wonder around in the black shadows of nothing after 2 months of being eliminated from battle for grandma trying to find out where flash and pb and jelly sandwich disappeared to

After looking around twice for them you finally give in on looking and instead go inform someone about the situation so you decided to go and ask bean if he knew anything

"Oi bean " You yelled as floating closer to him

"Hay o/n what's up?" Bean said interested in your concern

"Its been 2 days and neither flash or pb and jelly sandwich has been seen anywhere!"  You explained to him hoping he understanded and maybe spread the news to the others

"Well maybe grandma just took them out for a second they'll probs be disinigrated again no big deal and remember we wanted flash gone and it's so calm now "  bean said in a calm tone like he has just lost all hope in worrying

"A SECOND ISN'T 2 DAYS BEAN!" You yelled at him before apologising after

"Sorry I'm just in a bit of a bad mood" you said to bean

"Well ok I can forgive you but I gotta go I promised mattress that I will try and find him something else to hold onto besides ducks rubber wings which he's been holding for 4 hours thinking it's similar to his jar of grass " bean said floating off to whatever direction of darkness mattress was

"Ok maybe I should go to... um.. Fruit ninja?" You thought until fruit ninja came passing by and grabbing onto you so he doesn't float of into the wrong direction

"FRUIT NINJA GET OF ME YOUR GONNA DRAG ME WITH YOU!" You said as he tried doggy paddling away from the other side dragging you along

You realize that fruit ninja has left a mark on you with his sweaty red hands

"NOW LOOK WHAT YOU DID " You aggressively pulled off his leaf of his steam and ripped it

He gasped

"MY LEAF MY SPECIAL FIRST LEVEL NINJA BADGE LEAF" ninja apple cried out loud as the leaf turned brown in five seconds and disingrated into dust

"YOU MONSTER !" He shouted at you
Then floating after the particles of atoms left of the leaf

"Well that was a bust" you said to yourself

You heard a crack sound but you thought it was nothing so you ignored it until it got louder

A eye apears out of the shadows not like any object eye it looked different

You was created out from the staring eye and so headed away from it and went for the same direction mattress and bean was

But for some reason the eye was coming closer

"GUYS HELP THERE'S A EYE HEADING TOWARDS US"  you yelled hoping they heard you

You struggled to float any closer as to your lack of energy spending 4 hours looking for your friends

A white hand popped out from the shadows and then 2 circle eyes with 2 dark pupils appeared and then a 10 sided star formed out of the shadows and grew enormous

"WHAT THE JOLY GERBER WEEZER IS THAT CRAP" bean shouted while mattress was shocked and deppressed

That one hand doubled and became 2 hands until you felt that you was lifted off your feet

That was the brightest creepiest star you will ever see

You saw that all of the eliminated contestants including you was lifted into the stars hand looking in fear

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