yandere oodle x reader

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Idk oodles pronouns so imma do he/they

Everything was normal the weather was nice the sun was shining and everyone was getting along nothing could go wrong

You wake up after sleeping beside the claw machine with pitchfork laying by ( your on team 3 by the way)

normally you would just walk away awkwardly because she would probably complain why your next to her when she wakes up but you decide to stay instead and take out your diary

Dear diary

Things have been going alright I've woken up weirdly to pitchfork sleeping next to me but idk how that's gonna play out like but besides that everything seems okay maybe just a little back ache

- Ok it hurts more than you can think of but I don't want to ask oodle about it as I'm afraid he might break my back instead of fixing it.

Speaking of oodles he's been acting kinda clingy lately like a few days ago I asked bouncy ball if he knew where the pool noodles where then oodle popped out of nowhere and offered to show me where they were

I rejected his offer because It felt a bit weird going with him alone after his strange behaviour last time we talked  he kinda sounded flustered and was turning red so instead bouncy ball showed me to the equipment I thanked him and we had a fun time

oodle treated me a different way of kindness not like the others ( Well not like pear) I felt embarrassed and I could tell he liked me more as a contestant or am I overthinking this it's not like he sees me different to any  other contestant

]Not in the diary]

["Oi o/n We have to go oodle wants us] [for a anouncment " domino shouted ]

Well I'll talk to you later diary

From o/n

[ diary finishes]

"Coming domino let me just wake up pitchfork"

You putted 2 hands on pitchfork and shaked her so hard she woke with her vision being blury

"Ugh " pitchfork didn't want to wake up but you got her by the hand and pulled her up

Once she finally gained conscience she followed you to where oodle and your team was at

You could see everyone there as oodle specificly gave eye contact on you as you came foward

"Hay you guys ur the final people to show up " oodle says

You shook of his words as he started talking

"I wanted to congratulate you all on how much work u put into these challenges and that's why I want to make it up to you well.. 2 of you" oodle stumbles on his words kinda but when you heard the word 2 you thought it would be a partner challenge

And you were right

"Alrighty everyone I'll put you all into 2 partners of 2 you have to work with your partner to build this sandcastle the best sand castle wins the contest and gets a bonus prize " oodle says

"What about elimination?" Nebla said

"Nope no elimination just a bonus prize " oodle sounded so happy then after looked at you in joy

"Alrighty I'll start pairing you up"

You kinda zone out from this point because you did not care either way

3 mins later all the PPL were asigned with a partner even tumble weed which just left you and oodle

"Well looks like your with me o/n this is going to be so fun " oodle said so excited for you to hang out with him and maybe oodle could confess how he really felt about you

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