yandere lollipop x reader

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This was requested but yeh soo I also was wondering if you want to collab with some ideas of mine but yeh suggest down bellow and let's start

So bassicly you've already have been suspicious about lollipop being weirdly nice to you a bit too nice
But the worst part is you saw her with a bloody knife standing infront of book's body laughing and mocking in a dark alleyway you were walking past Luckily she didn't see you from behind when you ran off but ever since then you avoided every call and every message she sent to you

It was nightime yet again lollipop called you even though it would be a bad idea to you went to pick up only to record more evidence in case she decides kills more people

*ring *



"Hello?" You tried seeing if lollipop was there

"Hey o/n~" lollipop said in a soft tone of course you weren't falling for it

"What do you want now, a knife suppose" you already called her out on murdering book but did she get the hint?

"Nah I need some company, the others went over to looser,s cabbin to have a game night and I was wondering if you wanted to come over here who knows maybe we might get too know eachover better " lollipop asked

She sounded too nice to trust so you declined the call

She ringed again




This kept on going for hours and hours you just gave in and answered again only because this is stopping you from sleeping

"UGH WHAT LOLLI" you sounded annoyed

"Well if you wasn't coming over to my cabbin id thought it be good to come to yours since maybe you would be more comfterbal~" lollipop said as she knocked on the window outside

It started raining and she was still outside

"Fine,fine come in but don't spam my number ever again!" you moaned as she walked inside and wipped her feet on the mat

You made sure she didn't lock anything behind you like the windows or the front door and to make sure you had a knife hidden somewhere in case she tries to attack you

"O/n can you heat the kettle on my thighs are dying from standing outside " she suggested as she sat down on the couch

You decided to lie

"Urm our kettle broke rocky vomited on the kettle and it exploded" you tried sounding convincing just enough for lollipop to believe you

"Ah well that's fine hun i brought myself a drink just for this occation" Lolli replied

"Why would you bring a bottle in such weather like this ?" You questioned as you backed off to the front door thinking she will poison you

"Gotta stay hydrated am I right " lolli grinned

She was right but she wouldn't be hydrated if it was raining would she ?

"Well I'm gonna head off to the shops" you exscused

"I'll come to if you want" as she patted you on the shoulder

"Its really uneccisaerry" you wanted her not to come

"Oh well I probs still need to get something from there anyway so I was just thinking we should go together " she kept on going

"See ya " you tried going a different direction as lollipop

You finally was at the shops

*geletins and flowers shopping mart*

You wanted to go inside but it said that it was closed

So you just walked back to your cabin then

Lollipop been acting clingy well maybe a bit but it's still bad enough

And the incident with book ... you did hate book for her blaming ppl all the time but it wasn't enough for lollipop to stab and rip her apart was it?

You thought to yourself

But when you were back at your cabbin outside blood was surrounding it much like the bodies..

You knew it was lollipop because everyone was at loosers cabbin

You had to go inside no matter what

As you stepped inside something didn't feel right


The door slammed shut from behind

"Back so soon?" Lollipop questioned holding the knife you hid earlier

You pushed her away and went straight to the back door

It wasn't locked..

You pulled the door open and ran out into the night sky and the dark forest lollipop following behind

"Oh o/n~" she whispered

You tried finding loosers cabin

"Its no point running darling everyone already been shattered and four or x isn't to be seen" lolli grinned

Foot steps came closer to your position

"Listen o/n I have feelings for you and you have the same for me right.." her voice thickened

A smooth voice went in your ear after that

"~found you~"

lollipop slowly strangled you until you lost conscious and fell asleep not trying to hurt you in any way

You finally woke up cuddling next to lollipop

"Hay hun you up?" Lollipop smilled as you were handcuffed to her

You nodded yes but tried to struggle away

"Its a waiste of time struggling but if you just accept my love we could be free from the ignorance of this world" lollipop holding your hand

You started to say something but lollipop putted her finger up to your mouth as it smoothed down your face

"Darling it's ok you'll get used to our new life soon enough " lollipop grinned

Anyway I was inspired by 2 other lollipop yandere x reader stuff but this was also suggested so ty

928 words cool anyway pic I don't like it tho

928 words cool anyway pic I don't like it tho

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