Yandere lightning x reader

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And I'm back

You and lightning were always close best friends  but sometimes though you go and hang out with marker instead leaving lightning alone with his old toxic team which surely he didn't enjoy but you normally make it up to him in the end

This takes place in tpot 1

You wanted to join fours group at first because it was low on members which gives you a advantage on winning however lightning pleaded you to stay with him

you were quite upset because most of the people you were friends were in fours cast but hay you still got lightning and marker

The game finally started winner and price tag joined the game then we were left to asign to teams

Lightning floated towards you with a smile beaming on his face

Marker was sitting beside you

"Hay o/n wanna be teamates?" lightning tapped you on the shoulder softly so you don't get eletrecuted

"Oh uh sure but do you mind if marker joined too?" You questioned as you budged up so lightning can be next to you

"Nah as long as your here" then lightning muttered to himself

"Yes I do mind " he thought annoyed
Holding back the urge to zap marker right in the spot but looking at you just took his mind off everything as he admired your beauty

(I'm saying "you" a lot ain't i)

2 minutes later fanny came walking past

"hAy FaNnY WaNnA jOiN oUr tEaM" marker waved at fanny and she obviously said "I hate you" but after a minute or so she was finally convinced to join our team

Joined your team too

"Finally all 8 members what should our name be o/n?" Lightning asked you straight away

"It should be...uh.."

~UH~ team name

"I HATE OUR TEAM NAME" fanny yelled And stomped her leg down like she was in disappointment or something

"Ugh" lightning went to fanny and zapped her till she was unconscious

Then went back to you dragging fannys sleepy asset across the yellow grass

"There we go " lightning pulled his hand to you for a fistbumb put you turned it down

"Lightning that was a bit too harsh wouldn't you think?" You said weirded out

"Oh yeah uh sorry fanny " as lightning went down to her corpes and patted it but fanny got eletrecuted again to the point she was in ashes

"Oops" as lightning nudged it off and went back to you

Before you could say anything two interrupted saying the first challenge was to get up to the top of the roof

"Well this shouldn't be to hard" nickel stated as walking off to the elevator

"Well I can just fly " cloudy floated up to the top forgetting about the rest of your team

"Oh no pillow what are we going to do no-" book realised pillow wondered off again and ran off to try and find her

"ClOudY cAn yOu coMe DoWn aNd gEt uS?" Marker shouted to cloudy but two prevented cloudy from going back down until the challenge ended

"dAng it" marker slapped his knee

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