Yandere ruby x reader

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This was in post-split bfb.

Also this was requested I forgot who the person was but I went looking through my request page and found this soo

Okay so how did she fall inlove with you? Well it wasn't much you kind of just stuck around her in challenges and she got used to that, she started to ask you more stuff and she got u to hang out with bubble too. You guys went out for burgers, almost died a couple of times thanks to blocky, things was just going smoothly!...

Until ruby started to have Some feelings for you. She started to get a bit more clingy as time went on which you didn't think was actually normal since bubble knew her for way longer yet she stays with you the most. You just brushed it off as a minor convenience and after you leave to do something else she just goes?

You don't know where she goes she just does...Anywho you notice ever since bfb flower has grown into a bit of a nicer person. Alot of people probably still didn't see the changes in her which made you feel a bit bad so u start to invite her to things.

You get her gifts, you help her out with fashion ideas and you get to be her model too. She even considered you her best friend which gave u a warm feeling inside ur stomach..

It's too bad for you though because as you started to drift away from ruby's care further and further..the more she got jealous...

Whenever you try to approach flower ruby always needs something done or she needs to ask for a favor which saves time with her and you. If your wondering where bubble is in all of this then you really shouldn't as bubble isn't a threat and ruby just told bubble that You and her were doing some games most of the time so she didn't bother you two.

Yet sooner or later you start to catch on to ruby's tricks and so the next time she asks for a favor your just going to lie to her and say flower asked for you to help with her first. She noticed the pattern and starts to get sneaky

Overtime you start to forget about ruby as flower was mostly who you would've been with. But you always felt like a pair of eyes or a shining aura was near by stalking you...

Flower was a caring person now but maybe ruby could use flowers old personality to her advantage... so one day she buts into the conversation u and her were having and Asked to speak with you in private.

When she took u away she started to explain how flower could just be manipulating you because they would be no way she could just switch up like that and expect everyone to believe she was nice again. You just told ruby she was being dellusional and she might need to try and hang out with her to get to know her more...

And thats what she did...the only problem was when u saw ruby walk flower over to somewhere...flower didn't return...

You didn't see ruby for a few days but when she did come back You wanted to ask her where flower was. When you went towards her she stopped you for a second like she knew what you were going to say and replaced it with her own question. "Wanna go shopping? The radio in here is fixed now" that took your mind off flower for a little while and you agreed. You hopped into the passenger seat as she got the wheel. You notice some arrangements have happened as now the back of the van is has a wall in between and a black tinted glass on the back windows.

You were singing with her but then you decide to ask her the question you wanted to before.."do you know where flower is?" You mumbled. She chuckled and nodded no but then continued to sing along to the radio.

You could hear some muffling behind you and when the van stopped you went out and checked the tinted windows. You couldn't see much but someones silhouette...you recognise that object...

You try opening the van doors but ruby restrained you from behind. You were knocked out by getting hit from a Shovel she was holding..

When you woke up you were tied to a chair with ruby smiling. The place you were at was the outside yard of the mall where a small graveyard was at. Ruby went to the van and came out dragging flower's beaten corpses. "Now you can watch me bury her!" She said in a cheerful tone almost like she was innocent. You kept struggling but the ropes were tight and soon enough flower was put into the ground and the dirt was placed back upon her dead flesh.

Ruby took you back to the van and told you she would buy you something from the mall to calm you down as she knew you weren't leaving this van anytime soon..

866 words

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