Rollins vs Dawkins

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Wow Friday Night Smackdown was a good show. It was an overall 9. But I kept getting  interrupted by notifications by Matt and Seth. And it is still about the video leaked about us three. Well, Rollins is more worried about it than Riddle is. I never saw Rollins that worried about his sexual orientation being out there or somehow related to that point. Well I do feel bad for him because that is not the way to out someone from the closet.

Now that everyone who is a fan of Rollins and Riddle now knows what they hell happened between the three of us. I still ignore Riddle and Rollins because I do not know what to tell them, or what to say to them about the video being leaked everywhere. Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, even Facebook has the video going crazy viral. I just need to deal with it later because I have gotten use to people staring at me in disgust, giving me the eye, hating on me, and many more shit I get for being gay.

I do not think Rollins is ready for that. But somehow Riddle is fine with it, yet again he was out as bisexual since his NXT days. But the fans are talking about Rollins sexual orientation. If he is fully gay, bi, or pansexual. I can see the comments on every video. Some are disgusted with Rollins liking me, some are trying to figure out his preference, and some do not care about the situation and are defending him because he was in the closet, and should not have been outed like that. At least he has loyal fans out there that look out for him, and defend him. I give my respect to them.

However, the one who is getting more hate is me. Like what the fuck did I do? All I did was date Seth Rollins and now people are hating on me because of it. I could never really understand the hate Rollins and Riddle fans are giving me. At this point, I have to close all of my accounts from social media for this very reason. I swear why did this have to happen. We do not deserve this, especially since I work for WWE.

Anyways, I shut off my phone and try to enjoy the rest of my Friday evening. I grabbed a piece of paper, and was writing down "no more hate towards Seth Rollins, Matt Riddle, and myself." I folded the paper towards me twice, and I lit the candle. I put the candle above that piece of paper. And just started thinking happy thoughts. Hoping this situation would be over soon.


I woke up around seven in the morning and went to my gym. I am wearing red and black leggings, a stay positive t-shirt, a Taylor Swift Red Taylor's Version hoodie over it, wearing white wire headphones. Have my music on shuffle play. I go to the gym near my house, and started on the treadmill. As I was running, I could feel the cold air kiss my cheeks. I could smell the sweat from others. The sun is out but not fully out. I could see few people at the gym. However, I was hoping I could be alone at the gym. Hopefully no one here knows about the situation.

I just want to enjoy my morning routine at the gym. Then this song came out. I forgot that I have saved this song, but it just had to come out now. In my morning routine. Even though I am not fully in her shoes, the singer of the song, but I am getting hate for what is going one with Seth and Matt. I wanted to skip this song, but somehow I did not. I tried not to cry while I was running on the treadmill.

But I have to continue running because my forty minutes are not done yet. I still have fifteen minutes left, and have to do some other things I do. Of course after the song was done, the next one was Material Girl. Not the new one from Saucy Santana. I meant the original Material Girl, Miss Madonna. Now that song got me into a bit of a grove. Got me dancing while I was in the treadmill. 

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