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Well not only Monday was ruin, the whole week was. Tuesday I had Rollins and Riddles fans kept coming after me. I stopped login in because of this. I may log in sometimes to see if maybe it has been silence for a moment, but no. This is making me not want to have social media ever. However, I created a fake account just to see what were people saying. There were so many articles all over Twitter and Facebook.

The comments:

What a slut

That is so gross

Even hickeys

At the doctors office? Seriously they have no respect

Riddle has always been a whore. Can't say the same about him though.

Riddle and what he does is his business. Why y'all judging.

It's not like any of you have hickeys to your bf/gf. Smh.

Rollins is so jealous right now.


Article names:

Seth Freaking Rollins got downgraded by Matt Riddle

Matt Riddle's new lover?

Hickey marks? Rollins jealous?

Riddle vs Rollins: Secret Love Life

Threesome with Rollins and Riddle

Article after article after article just kept coming and coming. I just want to explode. These people are getting really creative with their stories. One said that I was the reason why Riddle divorced his wife. Or Riddle was the one who broke me and Rollins up. A lot of accusations are in the air. Some articles blames mostly me, some are blaming Riddle and it is just so ridiculous. No one is targeting Rollins that much cause " he was forced to be outed."

Wednesday was when people kept making videos explaining their point of view. Basically just blabbering of what they think happened. One video said that I was seduced both Rollins and Riddle for them to fight against each other. One video said that Riddle was so envious of me and Rollins, that he decided to manipulate me. A lot of shit was said. And people actually somehow agree. Like seriously, believe this shit without any proof!

Thursday is when I keep getting hate mail. Lots of mail saying that I should die. I should go to hell. Stop being a slut, a whore. Some people send me mail saying that everything will work out, keep my chin up, and don't listen to the haters. One letter made me cry cause someone actually knows what I'm going through. That beautiful letter was so moving and also inspiring.

At this point, lies are being told all over this articles. "Can you stop reading those already." Sasha demanded. "Ok ok. I'll try. I don't know why these people are fine spreading lies. About Riddle, Rollins, even me. They don't even know me." I said. Sasha took away my phone while she was driving! How rude. "Hey!" I said. "You'll get this back when we get home." Sasha replied.

"Fine." I gave in. I don't know where she is taking me. What to do on a Friday afternoon? I kept asking myself where the hell is she taking me at. All I see is a bunch trees, bushes, cars, and roads. "So, are you gonna tell me where are we going?" I asked. But she ignored me by raising up the volume to the radio.

I look to the back seat of the car to see Charlotte but she just on her phone. "Fine, fine don't tell me." I added. I don't have my phone but all I'm doing to pass the time is just count how many buildings I see.

One yellow building with four windows
Red building with two black limos
A bunch of kids tipping toeing
Target that sells Nintendo

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